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Hamster fur?

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My girlfriend really loves the look of hamster fur, but before I buy her such a coat, I'd like to know how it feels.. And since I've never felt a hamster (for as I know) I'm hoping someone here can tell me



Edited by Guest

only remember that it is very very painful to get in contact with an angry hamster mummy defending the breed


I would avoid it......like cat and dog fur there are questionmarks over its quality because of poor husbandry. Soth Asia/china has a long way to go and bird flu is a result of poor husbandry there , as is foot and mouth.


And we have to be squeaky clean about that.


Perhaps we should ask Richard Gere...




As little as those critters are youd have to have a million of them to maybe make a single coat.




Very pretty coat. I have no knowledge of it. Have you done a google search on it?




I cant see it can be really good fur; but a friend said that in some countries the animlas are looked after well and they have had to do this because of the decline of them in the pet market....though endearing, they are vicious little buggers and it seeems liitle Janet and John were getting upset at the male eating the young and stuff.

So just avoid the Chinese ones. No offence to anybody chinese, but their animal treatment is apalling. They also dont seem to have any respect for copyright, and until they can play the game properly, I am boycotting all chinese products apart from traditional crafts etc.


Little critters??? only the species hold as pet.


A real hamster is a munching-machine....a born killer...surely as large as a dachshund and just as vicious


The best weapon against a raging hamster might be a hearty clap with a shovel....or any other tool that lets you keep a required distance. 8)


And these monster hamsters; are they in the German forests and do they go about with the trolls? Better call Beowulf...


No seriously...they arent as big as daschunds!!!


alright....dachshund puppy perhaps.


But serious now.

The "european hamster" I am talking about becomes approx. 1ft long at an weight of one and an half pound.


In my youth the hamsters were such numerous that there was paid awards for preferable dead hamsters.

I remember that you get up to five deutschmarks (called Heiermann) for one of it. A probably promising way to earn a little money for chronically skint youngsters.

But as I mentionend that bastards seemed to have provisos to become killed 8) .......


A fact I did not know is that european hamsters meanwhile are subject to protection of species and therefor trade and possession of its fur is prohibited inside EU!


Did you know that the Yakut believe that there are giant moles under ground , and if they ever come to the surface they die? Only they are a bit different from moles they have tusks and trunks and are woolly. Every one ever found was dead, so they must die as soon as the sun hits them.


I asked them about hamsters reaching a foot long, and they said dont be ridiculous.


Silverfox hasn't seen a Texas Hampster yet I can tell.


They drag off small children and turn them into Republicans.




there are rare informations about that species but I found that:





....European Hamsters are the largest of the hamster species with males being 27-32 cm in length and females being 22-25 cm in length ie a similar size to a guinea pig. ...


...The European Hamster is a solitary animal and is aggressive towards others, .....


....The European Hamster is fierce but when kept in captivity the aggression is much reduced and some bred in captivity are reported to be docile....

Only they are a bit different from moles they have tusks and trunks and are woolly.


Truly! A rodent of UNUSUAL SIZE!

(Princess Bride.)


Or, is this a reference to the CRYPTOZOOLOGY thread?



I tried, but found nothing really usefull.. just some links to pages where they sell coats with a hamster-lining, like this:



In about a week, my girlfriend receives her coat, so than I will see how it feels etc.

This is the coat I bought:


It looks reall soft and my girlfriend really loves the look of it.. so I thought, what the heck It's probably just for furplay


Yes I knew about the european hamster but they arent the size of daschunds.



I thought you may have been getting mixed up with badgers. (waschbars?)


ok lets make a comparision again:


european hamster up to approx as large as a dachshund puppy




I've got a hamster coat, much like the one that caused a stir a few years back from Gieves and Hawkes, except mine is ade by D&G, and it's hamster fur lined as well on the inside.


I gotta say my hamster coat is very warm and lightweight and does feel nice and silky. It's what I would say is like a cross between a good soft muskrat and rabbit in texture. I wouldn't say it's mega hard wearing, but it feels really nice, and it the pattern of the 100 or so pelts looks great. Shame I ain't got the guts to wear it outside considering how badly received the Gieves and Hawkes coats were a few years back though

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