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I must have fallen asleep...


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Is the French fur stories page gone? It had a chapter of a story I had written, the last vestige of a 6 week project, and now its gone!!!! Poor me. It was a fascinating study of the dynamics of an encounter between Wally Cleaver, Eva Gabor, Margaret Drysdale and Suzanne Sugarbaker (all US TV fictional characters). No, it was just a fantasy with me as Wally and 3 women of whom I fantisize and idolize.

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Well, the French fur site is still on the air... http://www.fourrureclub.com/portal.php

And the site's owner is also a member here.


But, sorry, the link we had on record to the story area of that site has gone dead.


Maybe fourrureclub can tell us what the scoop is.


You can always post your fur stories in the Fur Den's story area, no matter what language they are in.


If your original plan doesn't work out, send me a PM and I'll help you get your story published in the Den's story area.

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Hello triboy,


I think this thread is the right place to promote worker on one hand who helped me with the fur den stories wiki as well (thank you again !) and the story involved there:

Have you read the "fur farm" ?? - the most interesting story about fur for me so far ( and it was on the net over 10 years ago !!)



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  • 2 months later...

Oooh, seems I missed this post, sorry guys !

Well, yes, stories should be on my stories forum here but I recently made a lot of chages on Fourrureclub, leading me to keep them aside... I can now re-introduce them in this forum, as everything's up on my site, so watch for our stories forum, in some days, everything will be back

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