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A rather unbelievable surprise! Hope you love it too!

White Fox

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I just did some reorganizing in the main Furrier's Corner area in our Library. Although this forum has been the biggest area of Furrier's Corner, the wiki area is gradually taking over and will be more and more important in the future. This is simply a "Feed area" for the Main Furrier's Corner area in the Library.


I just re-organized it a bit and was pretty much totally overwhelmed by what began to emerge. Folks, the information in that area is spectacular when you begin to see it take shape. I hope you agree totally. The direct link is in the orange area above to allow you to get there easily. But, I would like everyone to take the time to go into the front door of that part of our little web site here.


http://vdsden.thefurden.com/fdwiki/?n=FurInfo.Home ... Just look for "Furrier's Corner", and then follow through, but make sure that you read Lynxette's introduction to it. Lynxette was the original moderator there.


I hope that our Experts will all feel free to add to that area or this without being asked questions. If you know of a topic you think should be in there, just post to either area. Also, I hope that everyone will feel free to move posts that are in the wrong place there or let us know about them, etc. When reorganizing I can only go by title due to time so there will I am certain be some mistakes there.


***I think that if you folks have a look at Roninphy's area of our Wiki. The History area there. The sponsor's area with messages from folks like Brandy, and FrBrGr our Founder. The Furrier's Corner, and our links area with almost 1100 links in it now all pertaining to fur and all updated checked twice a year. (more to come soon.) I hope you will begin to see the value of that area and the huge amount of information that we have in there. Our site information shows that it is becoming a very frequently visited area here, and I hope that you will begin to see why.


Congratulations folks on a job well done. It is you folks who have made the Furrier's Corner area work! It is you folks who have indeed made this site work. With your help it will do nothing but keep getting better and better!


White Fox

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Awesome job, White Fox! Very, very well done! " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />

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  • 8 months later...

The post icon already says enough . This is nothing short of wondrous. It is always spectacular to see precious information develop from the thoughts of many.

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