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Cute film "Fur Coat Club"(1973)


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I found a cute children's oriented film on Facebook posted by the A/V Geeks entitled, "The Fur Coat Club". The film is about two nine-year-old girls who invent a secret game of touching fur coats without the wearer realizing it. It must've been a school film as it's approximately 18 minutes long and the closing credits cite the Learning Corporation of America. It's a nice look at people openly wearing furs with nonchelance and the innocence of children and their attraction to these furs in the days before the influence of the animal "rights" cult (1973). I won't give away the climax and the ending but it's worth a quick look.

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I own a 16mm film print of that movie.

Some time, this summer, I hope to transfer it to video and burn it on a DVD.


I love the part where they are in the park and she meets up with the Black man at the water fountain.

Totally cute!

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This film was one of the sparks of my fascination with fur and I remember it fondly. Being an educational children's film it's rather quaint and twee and although furs feature prominantly the morality tale could easily have been applied to other things but for some reason the writers/creators chose to feature furs. They feature rather well too especially in the opening few minutes of the film with some lovely 70s style coats being worn on a cold day. Worth a look from a point of nostalgia; actually I think the A/V Geeks might sell it on NTSC VHS as I'm sure I've seen it advertised in the past.



Mr Mockle

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VHS tape has officially gone the way of the dodo. It has gone out of production. Very soon, you will not be able to buy VHS any more.

Luckily, the AV Geek guys have DVD copies of the movie. It is available as a compilation of four videos on one disk.


However, all the copies I have seen of "The Fur Coat Club" on the internet originate from the same film print. Even the copy that the AV Geek guys are selling. It's all just a copy of a copy, ad infinitum. I have a full-rez copy of that video in MP4 format. It's almost 80 MB in size. It would be unwieldy to send over the internet. I could shrink it down but that would leave you with a smaller, lower resolution copy of a copy of a film that has been going around the internet for years.


Further, it doesn't say whether the DVD is NTSC or PAL. I assume it's NTSC. Unless you have a dual system PAL/NTSC player it will be unwatchable in Europe and other places that don't use NTSC as their broadcast standard.


Now, if there was only somebody who could fix all those problems... Hmmm...

Who could that be?

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I first saw this movie on film in a second-grade after school program...it was 'old' back then, too.


There is a digital copy of this movie available in low resolution - google it. I think it was posted on YouTube a while ago...





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The film was so cute for the first section, then got too goofy when caught in the fur shop. Always a message. The first part of the film depicting their desire to touch as many furs as possible seems very real.. didn't we all try that?

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Rongav wrote ...

The first part of the film depicting their desire to touch as many furs as possible seems very real.. didn't we all try that?


...more often than some of us would like to admit!



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