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I'm Going In !


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Having the opportunity so visit New York City this week -- on short notice --and it being something I rarely get to do since I live in Southern California.. I am heading down to 7th Avenue -- 345 to be exact -- and check out Kaufman Furs and Ritz furs, since they are at the same address.. I most likely can't afford anything, but might find a little something, specaily at Ritz..


My wife is working across town in the morning, so I am on my own. She wouldn't want to take the time to visit these fur stores as she thinks she has too many furs already (what is she thinking??) but I will suffer, presuming I can find my way down there.


Should be exciting... and time well spent.

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Check out G. Michael Hennessy furs. They are in the 345 7th Av. fur building.

Got a good deal on my wife's f/l beaver coat from them. They treated us very well. A lady named Tatiana was the showroom manager, IRRC.


Hennessy was the US producer for Yves St. Laurent furs. When the season is over and the new designs are marketed, Hennessy sells the previous year's designs under their own name. Our fur was made by the same hands, in the same workrooms as YSL are made. The only difference is the label... and the price.


Micheal Hennessy passed away just last year but his wife still runs the the business and manages the office.

Last summer when we called them up to have our fur stored she even remembered our name.


Even if you don't buy, certainly give them a look-see.

Good people.

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Eagerly awaiting your report, Ron! It's always fascinating to hear exciting stories of fur fans getting lost in the fur-land. It's like listening to kids returning from Disneyland!

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Well, I did make it downtown.. with not a ton of time..


I did find Kaufman's. It was Friday morning. I went in and looked (really, seriously now) for a white mink for my wife.. Not that I could afford it then -- or maybe ever, but that's one thing she does want. The saleslady, Jody, was wonderfully friendly and helpful. They didn't have any white minks, but she showed me some other styles that were very nice. She put on a few coats -- I loved the 3/4 swing with the huge collar. Very 60's - 70's.


Then I steered the conversation to something for me. We headed to the back where the men's furs were hanging. They only had one long coat -- a coyote, similar to yours, mine, Joe. Since I owned one similar, she started pulling down every jacket for me to try. There was a lavender mink.. which she said looked great on me. (I think she just wanted to dump the odd colored coat). Then I tried various black foxes. There were several styles -- all very nice. Almost all very narrow pelts in the back, but very full. I tried on a cross fox and a mink as well. It was fun.. I narrowed down my selection to one particular black fox jacket. I was curious as to the price. It was $2200. Ouch!


That seemed high. Considering what is offered on Madison Ave Mall or what I am purchasing for $4oo, it just seemed high. I feigned interest, took her card and left happily.


I headed across 7th Ave to Ritz Furs which I had heard so much about -- I was seeking a real deal. It's on the 6th floor or something. Once I arrived I was greeted by the owner who proudly explained how the store had been in the family for years, and that they used to be up on 57th street. That's where I remembered them several years ago. But they lost their lease and moved down to the fur district. I was assisted by a lady and another gentleman who really knew the stock. Though they are known for used, I'm sorry, pre-owned furs, they did have a number of new ones as well. Needless to say they have TONS of minks. But -- though USED -- they are NOT giving them away. The good thing for a woman in the market is their merchandise is still of quality and has many years left. That's something not assured on eBay.


I truthfully was looking for something simple for my wife to wear that evening since we were going to the ballet. I even looked at fur-trimmed cashmere capes. Nothing really met my needs, or wallet. I was REALLY looking for the fun furs to try on (foxes, coyotes, raccoons, anything long haired.) But they had little or none in larger sizes. I realized I then just needed to bow out gracefully, and eventually did so.


Those were the only two stores I was able to visit. It was fun, but not quite up to meeting my hopes of the power furs of the 80's. Hopefully those days aren't gone forever.


I then ended up heading to Macy's.. of course drifting by the FUR VAULT where the prices were REALLY goofy! I bought my wife a suit to wear to the ballet.. and use later in business. Just as well -- as the night-time temperature that night was near 80 degrees.. a fur would have been totally out of place and the only one within 20 miles of the Lincoln Center.


Thus ended my venture to 30th and 7th Avenue. I'm glad I went.. and wish even more I had more bucks in the wallet to get what I want, both my wife and me. (Don't we all?) But at least this satisfies one little item I have had on my list of life.


Perhaps I can next visit Montreal for some real fun.

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Next time you are in NYC, if you can spare the time, you might want to cross the river and try Flemington Furs. It's my favorite place in the world.

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...and if you find yourself in NJ, please be sure to check the following furriers in addition to FF:




http://www.wintersfurs.com/ (one of the best flash website intros too!)




and those without websites like:

Woodbridge Furs, Woodbridge

Fur Salon, South Orange

Bergen Fur Co., Montclair

La Marque Fur Salon, Westfield

Terzako Furs, Caldwell

Schultz Furriers, Millburn


Funny how a guy from FL knows a number of furriers in NJ!



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Loved the Winters video ... But the list prices are absurd. Looks like FBLG (I think that's the acronym) has decided to play that "game".


P.S. Don't furget Zinman. I went to one of their post season hotel sales in Cherry Hill a few years ago and almost walked out with a fisher jacket.

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