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Golden Oldies - Marlene Dietrich (part 1)

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  • 1 year later...

If I ever had one thing I wouldn't mind living out it would be wearing A White Fox such as this and singing to a room full of Fur Lovers, unfortunatly skirrels start running when I sing, but I guess Marlene was no Mariah Carey either. There was nothing exquisitly beautiful about Marlene, but she had a stage presence.


hurrah! Welcome back furpunk we have missed your posts!

There was nothing exquisitly beautiful about Marlene.


Dear Princess,


I beg to differ. 8)




She was the Queen of sultry for sure.


















  • 5 weeks later...

It`s been a long time......................


This particular thread was a labour of love that I brought to a sudden halt partly due to personal circumstances but also due to the fact that I felt the Galleries did the same job so much better (and a lot more regularly!).

However we seem to have a lot of new Den members who may not have discovered it lurking in the archives and who may well be able to add to my limited posts , plus (as Touch of Sable rightly pointed out) it could prove to be a useful tool in the compilation of the much-anticipated fur Wiki , so after careful consideration I reckon it`s time to dust off the research notes and start re-posting.




Not to be confused with Tana Louise (who was a 50s striptease artiste and fetish model) Tina Louise was a multi-talented actress/singer who seemed destined for stardom at the start of her career but who ended up typecast and remembered for one solitary role.

In the late 50s she appeared on Broadway , recorded an album , and appeared in numerous films both in Hollywood and in Italy , but somehow failed to make the leap to mega-stardom. In 1964 she accepted a role in a TV sitcom in the mistaken belief that it would be written as a star vehicle for her to accelerate her career but instead Gilligan`s Island became a millstone around her neck. Although it only ran for three years it has been repeated endlessly since and viewers automatically associated Tina Louise with her character , the pushy Hollywood wannabe Ginger Grant. Frequent violent rows with producers and writers meant that she refused to appear in any of the spin-off movies which cashed in on the show`s popularity and although she resurfaced briefly in 1975 in The Stepford Wives she largely turned her back on Hollywood to concentrate on painting and writing poetry. Now aged 73 she`s just published her first children`s book.


www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/showpho ... 56/cat/896

www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/showpho ... 55/cat/896




www.djmick.co.uk/cgi-bin/schlabo/sp.pl? ... u/p%20.jpg (cut and paste link)


http://petergowland.com/glamour8d.html (scroll 2/3 of the way down)







There are also two Tina Louise galleries at For The Love Of Opera Gloves -


www.operagloves.com/Classicstars/TinaLo ... ouise.html

www.operagloves.com/Classicstars/TinaLo ... uise2.html



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