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Lindsay Lohan real or ?


Real or Fake?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Real or Fake?

    • Real Fur
    • Fake

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I've always liked this game.


This one is a little bit difficult to tell unless you zoom in on the pictures.

Once you are zoomed in it's easier to tell.


I added a poll to this thread so people can vote and we can keep track. I won't give my answer until some others have voted first.

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I entered my 1.5 cents worth based upon one of the enlarged photos. Given limited participation to date, methinks it will be easy to determine my vote.

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I cast my vote and it would appear I 'unbalanced' the count. I can't imagine her with something fake, remembering her history of 'discount shopping' in the past.

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I can't imagine her with something fake....


I assume you mean besides the boobs, the hair color, the lips and the tan?


The fur might be the only real thing in the picture.

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm.... close call... She doesn't seem to give 2 s#1ts about what people think, so I'm casting my vote as real.



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Take a look at the last picture in the lineup.


Zoom the picture in on her left arm, up by her head. Look at the fur around the cuff and the elbow.

It doesn't look real to me.


Move down to her right hand in her pocket. Do you see a seam?


Check the belt and the collar. They look "woven" into the garment. Don't they?


As disappointing as it is, I don't think it's real fur.

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While a dyed color, such as the garment in question, makes judging from a photo more difficult, I tend to agree with Worker for the reasons he listed. Also the "fur" is too uniform in length and does not appear to lay correctly to be real.

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Also the "fur" is too uniform in length and does not appear lay correctly to be real.


Yeah. Look at the last picture again with the right hand in the pocket. The sleeve is all bunched up.

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I just eyeballed all the pics (not just the first one) and I'm still not certain ... Some of the new high end faux furs - especially mink - are surprisingly (visually) realistic (but will never achieve the "feel").

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Ironically, the more real fake looks the more "uniform" many Minks look to the point of looking fake.


I still stand by real in this case



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I think it's real. But i mistakenly click on the fake button. So, sorry for that! I messed up the voting. Really sorry! BTW, My vote is real fur.

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You can change your vote if you want.


Just go up to the top where the poll question is and click on the new answer then "Submit".

Your vote will be changed.

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I'm not arguing. Just asking.


Looking at the way the tips of the hair bunch together it looks like one of those expensive faux coats that are supposed to look like fur but don't quite measure up.


What do you see that says "Real?"

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I am NOT being argumentative or questioning your judgment, but I tend to agree with Worker.


The minks I have seen always have a directionality to the fur (ie, the hairs tend to lay in one direction (the way they grew on the animal). I am not seeing that in these images. While I totally agree that the "hair" length would definitely suggest mink, there appears to be too much clumping of the fibers and generally too much of the "hair" is standing vertical relative to what it is attached to (leather or fabric?) to suggest real mink to me.


Having said that, I will concede that I could be totally wrong as I lack the years of experience of someone like Furcoatman.

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Beg to differ, I think real. When you look at the edge of the coat close up the hair pattern seems more real than not...'real I think'....


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Very unfortunate. What happened to that lovely girl


Having such easy access to drugs as children in Hollywood is truly criminal. No wonder there is such a problem with drugs and our youth with such role models to follow.


Won't get into the whole youth and total ignorance issue


The inability to simply think before engaging ...........



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