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What type of fur is this coat?


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I've had conflicting opinions from various folks. Some say broad tail, some say goat, others say kidskin. I'm leaning towards broadtail. It reminds me of a cocker spaniel or irish setter with the softness and waviness...lol. Thanks for your help! I can't figure out how to post pics so here's the links from TinyPic hosting.






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Thanks for your reply. I didn't think it would take this long to get any type of answer and only one answer at that...lol. I've tried contacting furriers and they don't reply either. I didn't think this fur would be that complicated but I appreciate any insight you guys can give me. I'd hate selling it as one thing and then finding out afterward it was like some high-priced rare thing that I sold for peanuts...lol.

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If it IS broadtail, it's not a cheap fur.


Read this excerpt from http://www.furcommission.com/Biology/furtypes.html


Broadtail: Broadtail is the most perishable and one of the most expensive kinds of lamb. It is best for a second fur. It is used in coats (usually very dressy) but, because of its thin, soft leather and fine short hair, it is also used in "fantasy furs". A broadtail evening suit, for example, would be the ultimate in broadtail - and fur - apparel and fashion. Broadtail comes from stillborn and unborn lambs of karakul sheep. The sheep aren't killed for their lambs, which is one reason broadtail is exclusive and expensive. Broadtail has a silky texture and fine moiré or watered-silk pattern. Natural gray broadtail wears the best, with natural brown broadtail wearing next best. Black broadtail is dyed, and, like all dyed furs, wears least well, as is the case with the high-fashion colors that broadtail can also be dyed.


I don't know if it is broadtail. Compare to this picture:



It could be some other kind of lamb, though.

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I was hoping that Kostas Maillon would see this thead and reply. I still hope that he might. I would be interested in seeing his reply also.



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Wow! It looks like I'm going to have to make another trip to the fur store and check out some broadtail to see what it's like.

I don't know if I really want to have any but, just for knowledge sake, I'd like to know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

neither of those is broadtail. broadtail is not "furry" at all. it is a very flat curl and barely any curl at all. it is lamb but more like a kalgan lamb or one of the many many other varieties.


if you zoom in on this pic you can see the broadtail in the jacket



or this one



or this one



you can see there is no furriness at all to this. if it is broadtail, it is the lowest quality ungradeable fur


this is kalgan lamb and it is much more the type of fur you have




and good luck finding broadtail in the store. you will find only about 1 in 10 stores will have it. maybe a saks or neimans or high end designer like fendi or dennis basso.

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Thanks everyone for your help with this! I now have another that I'll be posting about. I've been busy with my son coming home from Kuwait and the upcoming holidays so I apologize for not saying thanks earlier!

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Family comes first. Take care of your son and enjoy the holidays. The Fur Den will be here when you get back.


BTW - If your son is coming home from the military send him thanks from all of us at the Den!

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broadtail is not "furry" at all. it is a very flat curl and barely any curl at all.


This would explain why I've never found broadtail very appealing!

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