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Brandy's sexy furry clowns


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Brandy's sneak peak at her website




There is something dark and compelling about clowns...so why shouldn't they be allowed to play with fur.....add a little touch of ' Tim Burton' styled photography and you end up with sexy freaky furry clowns..... you don't know whether to be excited or scared...!





This is a set of photographas that are going into my new area..- DARK ANGEL-... it is a little area of my website where I can play around with childhood images and fears....I loved all the old hammerhouse of horror movies..and grew up in a world of vampires and frankenstein images, so I have a great affection towards the more ' camp' horror image...more glamour than gore or fear...!






I adore the boldness of colour and the contrast between the softness of fur and devilsh clown make-up....but it is so difficult with clown make-up to decide on whether the clown is sad or happy.....?


What do you think..?



come on over to my furry playroom in the Fur den and see more.....!









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Because her face is painted entirely white, that puts her in a different class of clowns. The "Whiteface" clown.

Whiteface clowns are at the top of the clown pecking order. She doesn't have to be "happy" or "sad." She can be, pretty much, any kind of clown she wants.


If she wants to be a "doleful" clown that doesn't quite have all her marbles, that would work.


Maybe you could consider modeling your clown after the character, "Pris," from the movie "Blade Runner."




Yammering aside... Nice pictures!

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