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New Yorker article on furrier in NYC

Guest freemetolovefur

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Lauren Collins, Our Local Correspondents, “Mink Inc.,” The New Yorker, October 23, 2006, p. 46




The abstract is available for all to read. Only registered subscribers of the magazine can access the whole article online.

I tried this website to get a registered email address and password but it did not work.





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The reason why "BugMeNot" doesn't work is because you are trying to access a paysite. BugMeNot only works for free sites which force you to log in so they can harvest your e-mail address, etc.


New Yorker Magazine requires you to pay to access this part of their site. BugMeNot is not effective on this type of website.


However, if somebody you know was a subscriber you could ask them to access the site for you and let you read the article.


If you are a member in good standing of a college or university you might be able to go to the library and access the article from there. Libraries often have access to these things. If they don't, you might be able to borrow a copy of the magazine from the periodicals department. Then, all you have to do is photocopy or scan the pages and you'll be able to read them whenever you like!

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The article is copyrighted by the author(s). It goes against copyright rules for the article to be hosted by the Fur Den.

If the Fur Den was implicated in the sharing of copyright material without permission it could get us shut down.


Read this part CAREFULLY...


If an individual wanted to take on the responsibility of sharing copyright material on his own, there is nothing that the Fur Den can do to prevent that.


Furthermore, there's nothing that stops people from communicating by private messages. What goes on between private individuals is of little interest to the rest of the membership of the Fur Den.


Now, go back and read those last two paragraphs again.

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