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Mink Dynasty - The Globe and Mail article


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The article is about the rising importance of China in the international fur trade and about the success story of NAFA. The author's attitude towards fur is factual and business-like, but it is easy to see his contempt at the pompousness of the newly found Chinese rich. As usual, the comments section is full of heated debate between the pro and anti fur people.

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Add to that the fact that it is very easy to vilify the Chinese. According to many radicals, the Chinese are responsible for all of the ills that have befallen the US economy, regardless of the poor governance by the current AND previous administrations.


Essentially, this article gives us two "knee jerks" for the price of one.

We get reactions from the anti-fur wacko crowd, PLUS the xenophobic anti-Chinese crowd.


Wow! What a great way to stir up a little controversy and make a few dollars selling advertising while you are at it!

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Right on, worker. They have to sell advertising for either their web-based or print based newspapers. How better to do that than throwing together some peta-zelots and adding some flag-waiving anti-Chinese bigots. You got the makings of one heated debate!



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The work is paying off. NAFA sold some $250 million worth of skins to China in 2008, accounting for more than 70% of the company’s total sales.



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