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Catherine Zeta Jones in mink

Guest freemetolovefur

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Well... The third paragraph from the top of the article cleary says,

While the 40-year-old looked undeniably chic in her sleek ensemble, she risked the wrath of animal rights protesters as she choose to wear a fur coat.


In the caption under the first photo, it says,

Park Avenue chic: Catherine Zeta-Jones looked sleek as she left her Manhattan apartment in leather leggings, Christian Louboutin boots and a controversial fur coat.


This is what I find the most intriguing: They clearly review her leather leggings, her boots and her "controversial" fur coat yet they make absolutely no mention of the alligator skin bag she is carrying. I can't tell whether the bag is real or fake but that is irrelevant because there is absolutely no mention of it at all.


If the author was concerned about animals as she seems to be she would have at LEAST mentioned it whether it's made from alligator-patterned leather or from real alligator. Out of the 100+ comments on this article, barely a half-dozen of them mention the bag but NONE of them question whether it's leather or alligator. All of them assume it's leather.


So, why is this? Could it be because alligators aren't "cute and furry" like minks are?

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Typical hypocracy I say - are the authors suggesting that it's okay to wear leather shoes, boots and leggings and carry an alligator handbag, but the fur coat is wrong? I don't really care if people are 'for' or 'against' wearing fur - what pi$$es me off are those idiotic do-gooders who complain about Catherine's lovely fur, then trot on over to McDonalds in their leather shoes and grab a Big Mac for lunch.


Good fur you, Catherine! You look amazing in that mink!



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But she should go for a bigger size on her next coat, this one looked a bit small for her I think, especially the sleeves. But she's absolutely stunning!

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If the author was concerned about animals as she seems to be she would have at LEAST mentioned it whether it's made from alligator-patterned leather or from real alligator. Out of the 100+ comments on this article, barely a half-dozen of them mention the bag but NONE of them question whether it's leather or alligator. All of them assume it's leather.


Are you suggesting that leather doesn't come from an animal, but alligator skin does? I'm confused!

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No. The writer said that her coat was "controversial" then went on to mention her leather leggings and boots but made no mention of the handbag whatsoever. It is impossible for me to tell whether the handbag is leather or alligator skin but, yes, alligator skin is animal skin.


I was not so much interested in what materials her clothes were made from. I was pointing out the hipocracy.

The writer spent so much time prattling on about fur and leather but didn't give the alligator skin a second thought.

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