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PETA killing pets

Lil Dragonfly

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's really strange to see what organizations like these grow into as the years pass; one has to wonder if they even know what it is they're doing anymore.

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The thing that bothers me the most is how naive people will cite PeTA as some kind of authority on taking care of animals when, in reality, they are anything but.


Just last week, I was speaking to a college student who talked about PeTA that way. I asked, "Do you know what PeTA really is?" she looked at me like I had three heads.


First, I explained how PeTA maintains a meatlocker for freezing the carcasses of dogs and cats that they kill but she was incredulous until I showed her the website where it shows PeTA's budget and how they admit that's what they bought it for.


Next I explained about how PeTA kills puppies and kittens then dumps the carcasses in dumpsters. Again, she didn't believe me until I showed her the court transcripts where they two PeTA employees responsible admitted doing it.


Finally, I explained about Mary Beth Sweetland, Vice President for PeTA who campaigns against the use of animals for medical research when she, herself, is an insulin-dependent diabetic. If you didn't know, insulin for treating diabetes was first isolated from the pancreases of dogs. I went on to explain how, when asked about this inconsistency, she casually said that she was "special" and deserved to be alive so she could fight for animals.


By the time I finished explaining, I didn't even need to continue on. She was repulsed by what she saw.


It is clear to me that most people have no idea what PeTA is really about. All they know is the name. If they knew what really goes on there, they'd be incensed.

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I was really thinking of a section in the Library. As always here in two months no one will know remotely how to find this thread. What topic to look for. etc. If in the library we can always find them easily and quickly.



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Okay, let me dig up a good set of reliable links.

I'm also working on de-segmenting the "Penn & Teller's Bullshit" episode from YouTube. I just want to have that in my personal library.

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately PeTA (People for Extortion, Terrorism, and Anarchy) will be moving 40 of its employees to Los Angeles in summer 2010 to be near media outlets and their clueless celebrity supporters. I'm concerned for our local furriers' security and safety. When I read about this proposed move I checked to see whether there were any furriers in the area around Norfolk, Va., and there were none listed. Too bad these whackos can't start a colony for their followers on the dark side of the moon.

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Yes, the FBI does have records on PeTA in its files. They do have complaints against PeTA on record and they have investigated their connection to more radical groups such as the ALF and the ELF. While they have found some casual links between PeTA and these other groups they have no evidence of these groups working together and no evidence of a conspiracy between these two groups. The FBI is not actively investigating PeTA's activities.


However, that does not mean that the FBI is not concerned about PeTA. It just means that the FBI has found no evidence to justify a full-fledged investigation into PeTA's activities, nor has the FBI found evidence which would justify prosecution PeTA or its members.


PeTA is on the FBI's radar, so to speak. They are collecting information and keeping records on PeTA. The FBI has basically tabled any further investigation of PeTA's activities unless and until they find credible information to link them to any terrorist activities or offenses they could be prosecuted for.


I have obtained a copy of the FBI's files concerning PeTA and their activities. If you want to read them you can download a copy by clicking the link below:


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Not many, if any, PETA folks where I live, thankfully.


One thing I noted recently, and one reason why I joined The Fur Den, is that PETA people sign up on Facebook for fur groups. They then flood the site with their hateful e-mails and photos so that the people who want to use the group to honestly connect with each other have to filter through all the BS first.


They are not nice, PETA. I know people - a close relative among them - who aren't keen on my wearing fur, but recognize my right to do so. They don't let it be the litmus test of our relationship.


I've got to stop before I really get going on this nasty organization.

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One word of explanation. We would have those folks here too, but our mods are very dedicated. And ruthless when it comes to that stuff. Indeed though we have one or two very good members who came to do that. They began to understand and like fur from our site, and now wear it and participate here, etc.


So, it can be a two way street. I will guarantee though that PETA messages will probably never last more than an hour or two on this site no matter what time of day that they are posted. Generally if a member tries to post three of them on our site in one pass, they are usually banned and the first ones deleted even before he/she posts the third one.



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Unfortunately PeTA (People for Extortion, Terrorism, and Anarchy) will be moving 40 of its employees to Los Angeles in summer 2010 to be near media outlets and their clueless celebrity supporters. I'm concerned for our local furriers' security and safety. When I read about this proposed move I checked to see whether there were any furriers in the area around Norfolk, Va., and there were none listed. Too bad these whackos can't start a colony for their followers on the dark side of the moon.


Furbabe, as was noted by Pink Floyd, back when you and I were both quite young, there is no "dark side of the moon"-- in any permanent sense, that is. Would you settle, instead, for the far side of the moon? That, there is one of, and it stays put, vis-a-vis the good ol' Earth!

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Too bad these whackos can't start a colony for their followers on the dark side of the moon.


You know, it occurs to me after reading the previous post that darkness on the Moon during each cycle lasts - what - about two weeks more or less? It gets pretty damn cold during that time. One might want a fur to keep warm.


Still, the other issues associated with a colony way out there make it unattractive to me. So I'll wear my fur about here, home, work, supermarket, whereever.

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excalafur wrote:

Is it true that peta is on the F B I s terrorist list?


In my opinion if they aren't, they should be.


I agree!

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PeTA does not DIRECTLY contribute to terrorism so, the FBI's hands are tied. Unless somebody can come up with the smoking gun which points directly to PeTA or their senior members there is little that can be done. And, in theory, I am behind that. According to our constitution, the government can't prosecute somebody for a crime unless there is evidence. That is a good thing.


However, PeTA foments terrorism in many ways. They give money to people who are known terrorists. They give indirect support to groups who are known to have committed acts of terrorism and who pledge to commit more acts of terrorism. They encourage others to protest and commit acts of random violence while hiding behind the guise of plausible deniablity.


Unless somebody can find that smoking gun evidence there is little chance that the government will take action against PeTA.


However, that doesn't mean there aren't things WE can do. First off, we can make sure people get the message about PeTA. That case back in 2005-2006 where PeTA employees were caught killing puppies and dumping the carcasses into a dumpster is certainly some bad press for PeTA's cause. There are lots of little bits of information like that which can help. The more we can get this information to other people who might be sympathetic to PeTA the more damage we can do to them.


But, finally, I believe the BEST medicine for PeTA is to make them into a laughing stock. Ridicule them. Make them look silly. Show people how stupid they are. Lampoon them at every chance you get. Do you know the character "John the Savage" in the book "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley? Society reviles him and ridicules him until he is such an outcast that he is forced to become a hermit. Eventually he is hounded so much that he commits suicide.


THAT is what I think the fate of PeTA should be.

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But, finally, I believe the BEST medicine for PeTA is to make them into a laughing stock. Ridicule them. Make them look silly. Show people how stupid they are. Lampoon them at every chance you get.


Three thumbs up if I had a third thumb.


One of the bests way to deal with any obsessively single issue group is ridicule. And pointing out their inconsistencies. It drives them nuts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes! Fortunately, at least from my perspective, PeTA seems to be losing its popularity due to an increased sense of revulsion to the trend of political correctness.


As more people become angered with the inability of government and other organizations to actually solve problems instead of glossing them over with artificially "correct" language, they are seeing groups like PeTA to be part of society's problems instead of being a solution to them.


People are getting tired of the bullshit...

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I think that by now, most people who can think for themselves have seen through peta. Sure, there are the 'veal' who sit there in their little cages unable to move or think or feel that simply accept everything that those bastards have to say. But at the end of the day, as a lady has pointed out in her blog entry, just let the 'young 'un's' try on a fur. They'll understand what we've been talking about...



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