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fur over jewelry

Guest freemetolovefur

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Umm why should she feel bad? The carnivores at the zoo get fed meat from fur farms.


(If anyone gives her trouble, she should just tell them that.)


I would ask for fur over jewelry too


I doubt zoos give their carnivores dead mink and fox carcasses to eat. I'm pretty sure those carnivores are given herbivore meat to eat and these herbivores certainly don't come from fur farms.




Peebles needs Prozac!


To think that animals would recognize that she's wearing a fur coat, much less CARE is a feat of pure imagination. Whether she eats meat or not, again, the animals don't care or even recognize what she's eating.


If it was possible to sit down and eat a meal with a lion without getting killed and eaten yourself, you could wear a lion skin coat and sit right there and the lion would happily share your food. Whether or not she eats red meat is completely irrelevant.


This woman is running around with Walt Disney movies dancing through her head, imagining that animals talk and think and feel like humans. Yes, animals communicate and some animals can reason but to think that they have human-like emotions, much less cognition is silliness at best. She's about as dumb as a box of hair!


If she has six fur coats with a total value of $400,000 that comes out to $67,000 per coat. Either she wears top notch furs all the time or she (or the men who buy them for her) have been getting robbed. I would be hesitant to pay $60,000 for any coat unless I knew exactly what it was made from, who made it and what the source of the fur was, even if I bought the fur from a salon on Rodeo Drive. Of course she'd rather have fur than jewelery. She's got men literally burning money for her! It'd be ten times as hard to get them to throw down that kind of cash on a diamond neclace.


And, worse, it is people like this who set the pace of our society and influence policy. She's got a brainpan the size of a peanut shell yet she runs around spouting all this crapola and people listen to her like it's gospel.




I think that she might have been just making some excuses there to avoid being hassled. Hard to tell for sure, but certainly might be the case.




I suppose you're right but, for her, if somebody hassles her about anything, the correct answer would be, "Please address your question to my bodyguard, Bubba."



It's not so much people hasseling her in public, but she probably doesn't need the bloggers, twitter-ers and TMZs of the world giving her bad press. Very little 'Bubba' can do to help with that! LOL



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