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Happy Holidays to all.

White Fox

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First off, just want to say "Happy New Year's" to everyone! And hope everyone has an absolutely fantastic year next year.


It has been so great to see everyone here this year. You folks are the people who really count here. Often times the moderators and staff here are seen as the back bones of forum sites. But we are nothing. The people who count are each and every one of you! You are the people who make the site what it is.


We really hope that everyone here has a fantastic time on the site. We will indeed do everything we can to make this your favorite little home away from home. Your own place of rest and relaxation. And enjoyment.


Each and everyone is so very important. From the frequent posters... (I won't name names because I will forget someone.)


To people who post every now and then, or contribute photos to our Gallery, etc. It is you folks who make this site what it is and we want to thank you so much for spending just a little bit of time with us.


Happy Holidays, and may all your dreams come true. And thanks again, for making the Den such a wonderful little place for everyone to enjoy.


Of course I don't want to forget the mods and administrators here as well. A huge thank you for all of your efforts here in the past year, and looking forward to the next with anticipation.


White Fox

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Happy New Year to you as well. I'm fairly new to postings, however, as I'm sure you know, I've been a member for quite some time here. Well, I've made a new years resolution that I believe I can finally follow through with. And that is to become more involved with my favorite site the Fur Den. And hopefully make some good friends along the way. I feel I know just about everyone already. Hope the new year brings peace, good health, and of course some fur to all!

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Let me add my best wishes as well! I'm really proud of you, furfan! I hope more of our 'quieter' members follow your example!



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Hey, you and the mods have said it all. So tremendous to have you posting here! What we really need here to keep this place living is new posts by new members to provide us with new life! Hope others will see your example and do the same.


Happy Holidays, and such a great message!



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