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Furamo pictures anyone?


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Of the great old fur photo scanners of 90's and early 2000's, madmanfox is still keeping his website updated, but as far as I know, sheeny (from the UK) and furamo is no longer around. Furamo is registered as a member in our forum, but according to his profile page, he has not visited the Den for nearly 3 years. Before the geocities.com closed, furamo's website was at:



For those not familiar with furamo's fur scans, I have uploaded five selected images to the Den Gallery:


normal_fur0031l.jpg normal_fur0039.jpg


normal_fur0230.jpg normal_fur0016l.jpg




I have a lot of images he posted at his now defunct website, but I unfortunately only have 768pixel high versions of the earliest images. He published images with three resolutions, 480 pixel high, 768 pixel high, and the highest resolution. The ones I have are as follows:

fur0001-fur0030 768pix high 50-100KB (fur0007 861x1227, fur0010 1032x1187, fur0013, fur0014, fur0016, fur0017 in similar resolutions)

fur0031-fur0121 around 1100-1300 pixel high 200-300KB (fur0046, fur0055, fur0103, fur0109, fur0115, fur0116, fur0118, in 768pix high)

fur0122-fur0210 768pix high (fur0124, fur0125, fur0178, fur0181, fur0186 in larger resolution)

fur0211-fur0246 in highest available resolution (912x1996, 1270x1782 etc)

fur0247 missing

fur0248-fur0250 available

fur0251-fur0264 missing

fur0265-fur0270 in highest available resolution


The latest file in my archive is fur0270.jpg and I have saved it on 22 January 2002. I may have further images but I can't find them at the moment.


According to archive.org, his geocities.com site was last updated in May 2005:



This snapshot of furamo's website at archive.org shows the latest images he published with filenames upto fur0276. If he indeed stopped uploading at fur0276, then this means I am missing about 20 images overall. Furamo had the habit of providing thumbnail "preview"s of his forthcoming uploads. The archive.org image has the latest series with filenames going up to fur0492. I don't know until when he continued publishing.


I have checked the fur den gallery and we seem to have only a handful from his collection. If anyone has these images in better resolution or has the ones I am missing, could you please upload them to the Den gallery?


In the meantime, I could start uploading whatever I have to the Den's gallery? Would you like me to do that?

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Furamo is a member here and I have asked him on several occasions to post his pictures in our Gallery.


He has done so a few times but I have not seen him in quite some time.


I would say you should post whatever pictures you may have. Check the Gallery first since some have been posted already by me and others.


Most of his would be in the Fur Fashion Album.



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I agree with OFF...


Samurman, would you possibly have an email for him? If so maybe you could send him an email to ask if it is ok to post any photos that we do not have here already. Probably a fair number. Then you c ould work with AK, Worker, and OFF as to the best way to transfer them, etc.


That is why I love the Gallery for these things. If in there they are safe once again. But when sites like that disappear, it is so sad.


***Lastly, I want to pay tribute to Mad Man Fox. So often I do not get a chance to go there. But if you get the chance have a look if you have not seen it. I've been so busy here I've not been for awhile but seem to recall that you need to register as a method of keeping out spammers. But, that process is very simple, and believe me you will be well rewarded! I believe that Mad Man is a member here as well. But think he is like me and many others of our staff here. When we get finished on this site in the morning, our time is gone.


Hey, great photos you chose indeed. Would love to know if that is a white mink lining in that hood. If it is it would really be the ultimate!



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Agree 100% about Fox File


Having scanned and posted a number of pictures in our Gallery myself I can testify the work involved


I'll be doing it moe often now that I've moved. Just have to find the damn things now



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And as for Sheeny, he gave us permission to upload his photos from The Fur Palace to our gallery, when it first opened. I'm fortunate to have the CD he put out, so I added a lot of his material.



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