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Fur Fashion Blog Launched..

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Hi all,


I have launched a blog that will feature new scans, mostly only 1 or 2 at a time, but this way I will probably update regularly and I'm keen to share some of the newer material I have collated even though I have retired the 'Fur Palace' site.


I have added some RSS feed links so you can keep in touch with the updates immeadiately. How did we get by without RSS ?


Let me know your thoughts, comments and requests...


Best Wishes






Great idea, and what a great pic to start it off with!


Great idea Mr Sheeny lol excuse my ignorance but what are Blogs lol none the less the more Fur the merrier thanx for stepping up to the Proverbial plate and sharing with us all much appreciated ...........any chance of any fur clips






Are you going to eventually post all of your old fur palace pics? I had some a while ago, but lost them before I learned the importance of backing up..


Hey Lord,


As regards posting the original Fur Palace Scans, I have an open mind, if there is enough of a demand then I'm happy to do so alongside the new stuff at the blog (maybe in blocks of ten pics). So, if you are interested then post a reply or send me an email, instant message whatever......


Here's the thumbs in case you have little or no idea what we are talking about. Please ignore the email address on the thumb images it is no longer functional.






Laugh or not I have even by times wondered if blog has become a synonym for Web site. It just seems that any more the fancy thing to do is to call what ever personal or small comercial web site that you have a blog. Any more I don't think it has a definition.


Hey Lord,


As regards posting the original Fur Palace Scans, I have an open mind, if there is enough of a demand then I'm happy to do so alongside the new stuff at the blog (maybe in blocks of ten pics). So, if you are interested then post a reply or send me an email, instant message whatever......


Here's the thumbs in case you have little or no idea what we are talking about. Please ignore the email address on the thumb images it is no longer functional.






Yes, posting them in blocks is perfect. Even though not all of them interest me (just about 90%), they are sure to interest other people here.


Or did you want a reply somehwere else?


New scans, Shenny? Wonderful! Now I can update the Fur Palace CD!




Hey Lord,


I have posted the first ten original Fur Palace Scans here:




I decided to keep them separate from the new stuff at my blog..(which I updated with a great pic today)


The first 30 - 40 pics were all scanned quite small since I grew better at scanning as time went on but back in the day we were all on slow connections with tiny screens, how things have changed...


See ya,



Hey Lord,


I have posted the first ten original Fur Palace Scans here:




I decided to keep them separate from the new stuff at my blog..(which I updated with a great pic today)


The first 30 - 40 pics were all scanned quite small since I grew better at scanning as time went on but back in the day we were all on slow connections with tiny screens, how things have changed...


See ya,




Well they're good enough for me, especially this one:



That's one of my favorites.


Thx Sheeny, it's been too long fellah!!!

Hey Lord,


I have posted the first ten original Fur Palace Scans here:




I decided to keep them separate from the new stuff at my blog..(which I updated with a great pic today)


The first 30 - 40 pics were all scanned quite small since I grew better at scanning as time went on but back in the day we were all on slow connections with tiny screens, how things have changed...


See ya,




Are there any updates to that?

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