samurman Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 (edited) I am surprised we do not have a dedicated thread for many of the classic movie stars and celebrities in fur, and that includes Elizabeth Taylor. I have found a number of photos, so decided to start this thread. I shall be adding material from the archives of the fur forums as well... There is so much here that I could only organize it roughly. It would be great if we could find out when, where and on what occasion these pictures were taken, and what the fur types were, but at the moment, here is what I have found. WARNING: There are close to 100 HQ photos in this thread, many of them in 500KB-1MB range. The total size of all images are in excess of 60 MB! Full fur coats/jackets, or images with "lots" of fur Photos taken on 20 Nov 1951: Fur stoles Fur hats Fur collars or trims Edited May 21, 2010 by Guest
samurman Posted May 21, 2010 Author Posted May 21, 2010 Elizabeth Taylor in the movie Butterfield 8 (1960) So many furs here, but that magnificent lynx collar is simply breathtaking! Elizabeth Taylor in the movie Ash Wednesday (1973) The sable cape Liz is wearing in the first pic is magnificent, but it seems all the men in the scene are wearing fur, too! Just look at the raccoon coat James Fonda is wearing in the very last pic! Elizabeth Taylor in the movie The V.I.P.s (1963) The mink collar-turned-into-hood on her raincoat is lovely and über-chic. It has already inspired several ideas for me:) Look at the first pic in the third row; if you were thinking that the only fur in her otherwise plain-looking raincoat was the mink hood, you were plainly mistaken, as it is now revealed that the whole coat is lined in luscious pearl mink fur! I also find the persian lamb collar of Richard Burton's wool coat to be very gentlemanly.
samurman Posted May 21, 2010 Author Posted May 21, 2010 From the movie Zee and Co. (1972) Misc. images
JGalanos Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Great find. Tried to find a "take a bow" smiley (failed ... must be limited to Madonna web sites) so had to settle for this one ...
FrBrGr Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Liz was definitely one of, if not the all-time glamour queen! A big part of that glamour was the fur you could always count on seeing her wear. Outstanding job, Samurman! Thanks! " title="Applause" />
samurman Posted July 2, 2010 Author Posted July 2, 2010 Elizabeth Taylor with MJ. Is she wearing sable or stone marten?
White Fox Posted July 2, 2010 Posted July 2, 2010 Samurman I was wondering if you could do us a favor. When you do these could you post the images in our Den Gallery instead of posting them on other sites. The reason is this. If the photos are in our Gallery, we can put the thread into our wiki like we have done with these. If they are not in our gallery we have no idea how long they will exist in that area, and as a result, it is just not worth making such an attempt for the work involved. But with them in our Gallery it is pretty much guaranteed that they will be here for the life of this site, and thus we can save the thread there for all to see. Anyone can see all of your work instantly with just four or five quick clicks of the mouse. And we know that they always will be able to do that rather than for just a short while. ***I want to stress that this is NOT a demand! It is just a suggestion. I would love to see all of your work in these threads saved where people can see them immediately rather than them being buried under "tons and tons" of other messages. I realize that this is not always possible by any means. But in cases where it is, we would love to save all of your hard work for others to see. Thanks W
samurman Posted July 6, 2010 Author Posted July 6, 2010 Dear WF, At the risk of hijacking this thread, dedicated to Liz Taylor's beauty in furs, let me get into some detail here. I fully understand why you are making this suggestion, and I agree-sometimes I do a search and come across a post from a few years ago containing links to images, websites, or ebay auctions, which are all dead, and it is really a big letdown. I see a lively discussion archived in the Den, but I have no idea what the heck people are talking about because there are no pictures to be seen! But I must also assure you that I DO NOT post these images to different image hosting sites, I simply find them, thanks to a skill Worker fondly calls Google-Fu:) They have already been posted at these locations by different people for reasons other than fur love, and I simply take the links and post them here. HOWEVER, I try to keep a copy of these images in my personal archive and in future, if you come across some dead links, just give me the file name and I will gladly post it back, probably at the Den's gallery this time. You may be wondering, "even if you have found these images thanks to Google-Fu, why don't you simply post copies to the gallery as well?" Believe me, WF, I have tried a few times to do exactly this, but given the current limitations of the Coppermine software that is being used in the Den Gallery, it is VERY DIFFICULT! Firstly, it takes ages to upload images. There are so many needless steps that has to be taken care of manually. Let me give you an example. Say, I would like to post 100 Marilyn Monroe images to the Den's gallery. I have to manually enter file descriptions, tags for each of the images, one by one. In the meantime, after I am done with one image, the web page has to reload, and it takes time. If I were using flickr, I could simply enter the information ONCE, and it would then be applied to ALL IMAGES! I suppose, it would take me more than an hour to properly upload 100 MM images, complete with descriptions, tags, etc to the Fur Den Gallery, whereas there are other gallery website software besides our Coppermine that can do it in less than 15 minutes. Secondly, a Gallery editor needs to place the images in the correct sub-gallery, until which time the images will sit in an inglorious place, called "Uncategorized images." And that is a pain in the editors', because they have to place the images one by one, clicking through dropdown lists and OK buttons all the time. Thirdly, after overcoming all these hurdles, and safely placing the images in the sub-gallery where they belong, there is no transparent way to post links to the images in the Den forum threads, whereas the image hosting sites give complete links with thumbnails automatically. For example, let's say I wanted to post a thumbnail link of an image I had uploaded to the Den's gallery, the one titled "Jeffrey Riedel in coyote". I go to the picture in question in the gallery and note the link above the page on my web browser: You see, this is a request to the Den's webserver to fetch image number 9 (pos=9) in album number 2 (album=2). The problem is that the image position is counted with the latest image always being at number 1. Which means, once someone else has uploaded another image to "Men in Furs" sub-gallery, my image will move down to position number 10, and this link will point out to a different picture! Unfazed by this difficulty, I say "OK, let me right click on the image, and select "Copy link location" so that I can at least put the URL to the image" and it gives me this link: But this is just a link, there is no thumbnail. I then must go to the sub-gallery view, find the thumbnail corresponding to this image, right click again, and click on "Copy image location" which gives me this: It's not over yet! I then need to remember how to place a thumbnail link in a forum thread, which I always confuse. The correct syntax is: [url=http://FULL SIZE IMAGE ADDRESS][img=http://THUMBNAIL IMAGE ADDRESS][/url] So, I must copy and paste the first link above first and then the second link, as follows: [URL=][IMG=][/URL] If I simply type the text in the above box below, while I am composing this reply, you will see this: It is much easier to upload this image to, say imageshack, which automatically gives you the correct link. After the upload is finished, you are greeted with the following screen, and you only need to click in the box I have circled in red and then press Ctrl+C. (See, I can even take a screen shot of the imageshack screen, upload it to imageshack itself and get a thumbnail link easily! No problem!) It's that simple! It instantly gives you the following text, which you can easily place in any forum message you like: [URL=][IMG=][/URL] And the result: (As you can easily see, there are two significant advantages that imageshack thumbnail has over the Den thumbnail. Firstly, it is bigger. Secondly, it gives you information on the size and resolution of the full size image. Not a big deal with this one, but mind you, some MM pics I have posted are larger than 5MB! Better to be forewarned! Anyways, that's just a side benefit.) It would have taken me maybe five minutes to complete all the steps to simply add one thumbnail image link from the Den's gallery, whereas it takes less than 30 seconds with an external site. When I am simply taking the links from somewhere else on the net, I don't even have to upload anything; I simply grab the thumbnail link and I'm done. I hope I have made myself clear. Best wishes, samurman
AKcoyote Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Samurman, Most of your points are very valid, and yes Coppermine is not the simplest gallery software to use. However there is one point that I will take partial exception to. Coppermine does have a batch add interface for bulk uploaded image files via FTP. We have used this in the past to upload large collections, but there is still the need to go through the bulk uploaded files and assign them to albums, add descriptions, etc.
White Fox Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 As I mentioned you are not required to do this. Far from it. If you wish to post in other areas that is certainly your choice. However, look at it this way. Think of the huge amounts of work you have done. It is extremely easy to see that you have put absolutely endless hours into this. In no time unless you or someone else brings the thread back it it will be lost to almost everyone. Yes some folks see it but most don't once it is covered by endless other posts. As far as most members are concerned all of that huge amount of work that you have done is lost for ever. But, if the photos are in our Gallery, the posts can be gradually transferred to our wiki. Our web site data records that is is used continually by MANY people. Indeed many days it gets more traffic than this forum does. Continually for years anyone will be able to see the huge amounts of work you have done and the information in it with just a couple of clicks if it is in wiki. Where as using Image Shack or other links, in no time your work will be lost to so many who would like to see it. Yes, probably less work to do it now. But with just a bit more, it can be visible to people instantly for many years. Or for less it can be gone out of site in a few months where none can find it. Sorry that I've not been on site much lately to catch this. I've been involved with another area. Once again, we have no problems with you linking to other sites if you wish to do that. We do love your posts and hope above all that they continue. If that is how you wish to continue that is certainly ok. W
samurman Posted March 23, 2011 Author Posted March 23, 2011 Elizabeth Taylor has passed away today at the age of 79. May she rest in peace.
FrBrGr Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 There will never be anyone like her. She is the last of the great superstars; certainly one, if not the greatest of them all. She possessed everything that defines a legend. She made the world a better place. Rare in her beauty, her talent, her intelligence, her wit, her charm her sexuality and her generous spirit, she will always be remembered. We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to samurman for finding, saving and posting all of the wonderful pictures of this true fur goddess in all of her furs!
itsend Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 Butterfield 8 fur scenes combined:
samurman Posted March 25, 2011 Author Posted March 25, 2011 Some more: First, the ones that make you say WOW! WOW! She's more of a sable and mink woman, but here, in awesome white fur, which I presume is "arctic marble fox": She is a violet queen, surrounded by Joan Collins, Shirley Temple, and another golden lady! And here, the one swathed in fur is not Elizabeth Taylor, but her unforgettable love, Richard Burton!
samurman Posted March 25, 2011 Author Posted March 25, 2011 Elizabeth Taylor at the movie, The Big Hangover (1950)
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