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I'll be visiting both of these ski resorts this winter. Are they as fur friendly as I've heard? Any recommendations (best areas for fur wearing/fur sightings, don't miss sites/attractions, etc.)?




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Unfortunatly I've never been to either, but I do hear that Catherine Zeta Jones and her rich old husband have a place in Aspen. She has been well known to enjoy the softness of furs, so keep your eyes peeled.

That would certainly make my day!

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keep your eyes peeled


I'll do that.


Planning my fur wardrobe for that week. Both are kinda small towns so looking fur some assurance that I won't stick out like a sore thumb if take/wear my ankle length silver fox and coyote coats.


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You will find Aspen extremely fur friendly and any stroll down the street in winter will find yourself amongst many other furs. Vail isn't as high end but still in winter you'll not seem that out of place. Many fond memories of Aspen and Snowmass.

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You will find Aspen extremely fur friendly and any stroll down the street in winter will find yourself amongst many other furs. Vail isn't as high end but still in winter you'll not seem that out of place


Good to hear. Thanks!


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Any of the ski areas are fur friendly. Very common to see fur jackets, boots and hats. Although mink is worn there the long fluffy long haired furs are most popular, usually worn with jeans. Fur vests are common, too. All of these are worn by women and men.


Each area has a unique "personality" My favorite will always be Aspen, but it is so much harder to get to, Summit County is where I find myself most often.


Caution: Try not to sleep in hotel above 8000 ft sea level. Can't stress this enough. Also wait a day to ski after flying, at least stay as low as you can. Altitude sickness is nothing to take lightly. Also I go easy on the coffee and alcohol and drink lots of fluids. I am serious skier, so partying is second place. The third night I do go out and take the forth day I take off to let my body recover from skiing and the altitude. This is my tested way of assuring I can keep up with the best of them!!


Hey!! Want some company JG????

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Having lived in Colorado for 10 years and spent a good deal of time in Aspen, I can tell you that it's fur friendly, even on cool days in the summer. However, some of the furs are bizarre, e.g. lime green sheared fur with red polka dots (not kidding!) and such.


I was probably one of the few folks in town not there to recreate. I was doing environmental assessment work. (Aspen is not so clean a place in this regard.) I encountered Jack Nicholson in Aspen on a job site, and he offered me a rather interesting breakfast, but that's a whole other story.

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the long fluffy long haired furs are most popular


Good to know. I was planning to take my coyote, silver fox, and light fisher coats. Sounds like I'll blend right in.


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What time of the season are you going? It is a completely different place over the holidays. My favorite is Spring skiing.

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I'll be there between Christmas and New Years. From what I've read that is prime time for sportin' and seein' furs (and occasionally celebrities). Is that what you were referencing by "different"? I'm sure it will be crowded as well.

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