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Miss Maryland 2010 gets a fur coat!


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I have come across a blog post about Lindsay Staniszewski, Miss Montgomery County, who has been crowned the new Miss Maryland.



Accordingly, Staniszewski from Edgewater, Maryland will receive a $10,000 scholarship and other gifts. She also will represent Maryland at the Miss America pageant. Most importantly, she received a red fox fur coat as a gift from Marlyand Fur Trappers, Inc.


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Take a closer look at that second picture.

See the way she's clutching the lapels of her coat?


I think she digs fur!


Or, more accurately... I think she just discovered that she digs fur!

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Judging from her surname, I think she comes from a Polish background, which leads me to speculate that she must have come across furs in her family. So, I think her feelings at the moment the photo was taken must rather be like, "Well, this red fox is surely softer than my grandma's mink!"

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Yeah, I can see that. Especially if you follow the pictures like a story.


Picture 1 - "Ho-hum, a fur coat."


Picture 2 - "Hey, wait a second. This is nice!"


Picture 3 - "This is REALLY nice!"


Then check out the guy in the gray suit standing in the background of picture number 3. In picture number 4 he comes over to check out the hot chick in the fur coat!

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Now let's how she handles questions regarding animal rights and the pursuit of happiness. We all know the PeTA idiots will come after her (figuratively if not, literally...or as my dad used to say "actually").


Let's hope she represents "the cause" well.



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Do remember... She is now a contestant in the Miss America pageant. And, the Miss America pageant is wholly owned by Donald Trump.


I think those PeTA idiots have better sense than to f*ck with Donald Trump.

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I think those PeTA idiots have better sense than to f*ck with Donald Trump.


Don't count on it, Worker. Single issue zealots aren't embued with much in the way of common sense.


I love her coat, too, by the way. I'd be in favor of a fur coat strole during the Pageant along with the bathing suit and gown competition.

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Trump has the power to make people "disappear," if you know what I mean. Whether the zealot knows it or not, they endanger themselves by making a scene. Those who actually do have a shred of common sense know better than to tangle with the likes of Trump. Those who haven't got a shred of sense are simply never heard from again.


(This is all purely theoretical, of course. I only mention it for humorous purposes... Right, Mr. Trump? )


A fur coat stroll would be neat!

If anybody could enact something like that it would be The Donald. Don't you think?


We should all start sending requests to Trump Tower.

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Ivana and Ivanka Trump have both had their photos posted here wearing furs. From that I'll conclude that the Donald doesn't give a rat's-ass about the peta-idiots.



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