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New purchase from Mailon Furs


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I can't praise my wonderful new golden island fox coat enough. This transaction with Mailon is the best, and I encourage all to consider purchasing a fur from them.


See the gallery for a photo.

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Congratulations grouchomhg! You look great in your golden island fox coat, and I must say, golden island nicely complements your hair&beard:)


I have a question: From the pic, the V shaped stripes of the letting out process is visible. Is the fur full and soft to your touch still? And what is the overall weight of the coat? No need to be precise, just how you feel, light or heavy?

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I have a question: From the pic, the V shaped stripes of the letting out process is visible. Is the fur full and soft to your touch still? And what is the overall weight of the coat? No need to be precise, just how you feel, light or heavy?


The coat is feathered and exceptionally soft to the touch, the softest that I have of all my fox coats, and I have several. It is also lighter in weight, much lighter, that a similarly-sized coyote coat that I purchased last year.


Let's see..... hmm.... thinking.... If I continue to purchase one new fur per year until I reach my dad's age when he passed on:


His age - my age = 26 new furs


26 new furs + 12 I already have = 38. So, rounding up, shoot for 40.

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12 I already have


Nice. Did you list these on the old (but frequently resurrected) "List your furs" thread? I don't recall seeing it but I'm getting older and feebler every day. If yes, have you added the new fox?


With 12 you have me beat (unless you throw in the faux -- OFF would throw out the faux!).


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