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White Fox

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Ah Huuuuuuummmm


Has everyone fallen asleep here or something? No one seeing or thinking of furs here now? Cheer up folks? We've a brand new site on the way. Fur season is upon us again.


It's time to P A R T Y !!! And POST!



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You know, I know that you folks used to be behind us in fur usage. But I am becoming more and more convinced that in London at least that you are pulling out ahead now. We seem to be going down while you are coming back up the other side.



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With the changes in weather, last week, I saw some girls at school giving fur a try. There were even some ladies in traffic wearing fur but now these last few days, fur has gone away again and given way to summer clothes. I guess that's what happens when the "Indian Summer" sets in. I do know it's short lived and then the cold will be setting in for the next several months.. " title="Applause" />

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I think about furs regardless of the season because I also enjoy fur fashion. I was thinking about trying to post a little story in the future.

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