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Hi Gang,

Just a brief visit to check out the new digs! Pretty cool so far.






Hi Janey


Glad to see you drop in... hope it will be the first of many such visits


Hey, it is great to see you here Janey! Folks, Janey was one of the very early members of the Den at Melody!


What a downer being "newbie" again!








That will change. I am working on a method to merge your post count from Melody with your post count here. It will take some time to develop, but member post counts will be updated for those who registered with the exact same username they used at Melody.


Thanks AK' you're my new hero!






Make sure you go to the FAQ and read expecially the part re changeing styles. You can make the site here look much like the old site, or have a completely different look from the one you came in on. I am totally surprised most members have not used this as it makes the site so much easier to use if we are seeing it in colours and format we like.



Hey Janey!! How are you doing?


Glad you've come back and re-joined our little soiree here!!

Hope you stick around!!




PS Hope you can drop us a line sometime!!


Welcome back! Don't sweat the post count, the numbers will be right soon!






Just for my 10cents, when I tried to log in with my old melody passwords I couldn't get in. I re-registered (obviously!) but I guess my posting numbers will not come across. Doesn't seem a big deal, at least the new home seems more secure.




You had to re-register here. I don't think it matters much that you have a different password - I think that as long as your screen name here matches your screen name at the old site, the numbers will come through. Remember, patience is a virtue!!!






You might want to review the sticky's on the forums and read the FAQ in the menu. There is a lot of great information on how to use the site. You have tools and forums here that we have never had before.


As for your sign in. You were correct to re-register.


So that we could open as soon as possible, many things are still a "work in process". Your old post will be brought over. You might read FrBrGr's post, I believe in this thread, it explains it.


So, for now everyone starts out as a "Newbie"


By the way, it is nice to see you arrived safely from you travels. And, welcome to your new home!



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