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A question

White Fox

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Did everyone here fall asleep or something? I see continual lineups of people coming here during the day and night and none have posted. I would love to know your reasons why.


I have taken the time to write this thread. Please do me a favor to reciprocate and tell me why you don't post even if you never post another entry! That info will help us to make changes here to make this an even better place!


Anyone out there who will take me up on that challenge?



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Well; for me at least, I tend to pass through while getting ready for work and see what may have been posted. After that it usually depends on whether I feel I have a comment that may contribute to a thread or not.

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I noticed a lag of posts as well. Which is why I tried to share my "moment of getting punched" but things seemed to die after that again. Could it be the weather?

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Could it be the weather?

As we have a similar slowdown in participation almost every spring, I think you hit on one of the major causes.

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2 Users and 3 Admins so far.


Part of it is that we lack new members posting. But that is not all of it. Also it is not just us. I've not checked Mikhail's for awhile but last time I checked it looked they were gone. It just seems that every site is pretty much down somewhat but not all to the same degree as each other.


I still keep hoping that some of the new folks that I see come here every day to read messages - or those who come just now and then - will post and give their ideas. Folks, what can we do to make this a site where you would like to post?



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I just haven't had much to add lately. Between evening classes, looking for work and trying to clean up my photo directories* to post up here. I'm kept pretty busy.


After OFF's comments about my small and uncorrected pictures..


After bringing this up, I decided to check something and including what I've already uploaded, my total, according to Lightroom, is 28K+ pictures, just for what I'm working on for the Den. Granted the Blondes I've already uploaded are counted in that but still, that's a lot!

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The Gallery would just not be the same if it were not for a few very dedicated members here. And indeed Kappa you are one of those members.


I am not going to begin to name others because I will be 100% certain to miss one or two people and I would not want to have anyone thinking we did not appreciate their help here. So, I will refrain from that.


But there are indeed a whole host of people that we owe a huge amount to here and we realize it. The staff get a lot of thanks but it is you people who do the hard work, and so often get little credit for it.


We owe all of our contributors a huge amount here as without them this place would NOT exist. But indeed, we especially owe people like you for your work and the huge contributions you make to our site. We indeed owe you a great deal!





Edited by AKcoyote to correct 2 typos.

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It's not a problem at all. I'm more than happy to contribute in any way I can. It just so happens I have a rather large quantity of fur on my pc and I'd like to share it someone before it gets moved off my pc. I'd prefer "little ones" not to nose around and come across the images.


As for others here in the Den, I've noticed there are some that are more active than others. They all have their own reasons for doing or not doing anything. I will say this though, I'm sure this would be a much more interesting place if everyone involved were to contribute!

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We certainly appreciate all your efforts at uploading pictures Kappa. " title="Applause" />


If I seem a bit 'strict' it's that I want this site to be what so many that are no longer up were.


The high quality of Fox Files, Sheeney and others certainly led the way for quality fur pictures. I just hope that we can improve on that legacy, even if it isn't with every picture that goes up.


Moments of private pride come up from time to time now when someone uploads a picture I know they copied from our very own Gallery that is one I had modified An indication of just how many pictures we have in The Gallery. Pushing 23,000 as you say and that's with very few duplicates.


Participation is the first desire for us all. We can work on quality as a desired goal. I personally think that large portions of The Gallery are the equal or better than any before. " title="Applause" />



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Hello OFF, I thought that comment might spark something from you! I do try not to upload any duplicates but it is hard when I'm dealing with so much quantity. My first priority goes to weeding out the faux from the real, then comes the nudity aspect (what's shown and what's acceptable). After those two steps, there is the "what's already here and what isn't".

I understand the standard that you speak of and want to do my best to keep it there. So, aside from my first two steps, I am putting things through Adobe Lightroom to clean them up a bit first.

Without this site, I can't think of another place that I'd visit for this reason. So I do my best by the Den and by everyone here.

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I am busy trying to look for work and I spend a lot of time on a certain social networking site, and no, it's NOT Facebook or MySpace.



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Hello Tricia, you're not the only one looking for work and by no means, is anyone attempting to point fingers. We're just chatting about why there has been such a sudden drop in posts. That is all..

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It is kind of scary when you "check for new posts" and nothing shows up. It's almost like walking into a deserted bar and even the bar tender has left for a little while!

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I am a lot more busy at this time of the season than in the winter.


Plus it maybe the fact that the rainy weather that we have does not help us see fur outside.


And if i remember correctly, most of the post and most of the picture added in the gallery are done during the winter season. I think its something like......"when you see fur outside you think of it, and when you dont see fur you think less of it".


But if i speak for myself, i try not to stop coming here but the fact remains, if less people post, then less people read the post then i dont feel like its the best time to post something 'cause i'm gonna get less return on my post!



Hope that answer it!


Still in my fur, i wish you a furry day.

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The site has become quiet.. but it always does at this time of year..


even though we are a global community with members in both halves of the world.. so when we heat up..they cool down...our summer is their winter...! So..we should, in theory..never get quiet..!!!!!


But, the internet has become a much quieter place due to many reasons... and probably the most common is this..!!!


I find nearly 52% of my viewers to my website..are there during work hours. So if many people have been laid off..viewing figures drop...if people are fighting to save their jobs..viewing figures drop. In short.. the naughty workers are the ones browsing the web when they should be working and the current economic trend has pushed our workers to..well...WORK!!!!!



ha ha ha ha.. things will pick up..I am sure. If we remain a constant..this is the beacon of hope to which all will return..! Our light shines bright through troubled waters..!!!!!


love you all..




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For me personally it´s a mixture of things mentioned:

- I do not have that much time due to involvement at work

- Since there are not so much new topics, there ist nothing I can "quickly add" as a thought

- One very important topic for me was not followed/important for others (since there are not many active users I think - so its the hen and egg thing ...)

- time of the year !!!



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For my 10cents worth......


I suspect most fur sites have trawled recent history to obtain most of the old easily available photos / information available from the internet / magazines. Once that large input has been done things will start to slow down. Also, being seasonal that reduces magazine exposure etc.


What is needed is an alternative to the seasonal nature of fur....perhaps more hands on...


I have just started breaking down an old mink jacket and 1 sleeve is a glasses case, and an oversize mobile phone holder. All pretty rough 1st attempts but from little things big things grow.


I suspect all websites will slow not just seasonally but with time, and we just need to keep the pro-fur status up and happening, in support with the industry.....


Do not be dis-heartened - the desire of fur does not wane.....



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Hi All,


I, as others, have been a bit quieter here in the last year or so. I have no excuses, and I promise that I will make more effort in the future to try and look at photos of fur clad ladies, read posts and maybe even post.

I am very sorry, and trully feel repentant.

I will accept any punishment given, as long as it involves the use of fur.


Seriously, we all notice the seasonal variety in posts in the Den, especially the few of us South of the middle, and the hardcore regulars. As we are cooling down, thinking more about cuddling up by the fire in fox with the wife, many others further North are putting the furs into storage for the next 6 months and thinking about holidays on the beach etc.


Either way, as many have said, this community is only as strong as it's members. I would hate The Den to disappear from existance, only leaving Pay to View websites for us to get our fix, without the friendship and other great advantages of this suppurb online resource, best described only as a 'Den'.



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I love to visit THE FUR DEN ! I don't post very much simply because I don't have many fur encounters to report . When I log on I like to read about the furry adventures of others. I look forward to Brandy and her cute sexy style. I enjoy seeing all the different furs in the gallery. Most of all I like knowing the is a place for me to visit when I need to indulge my desire for furs!

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If you didn't feel like you were limited to talking just about fur, do you think you would participate more?


(Sorry, but I can't do much about the typing... )

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More as an interesting to fur999, have you noticed that e-bay Australia is somewhat brightening up from the old moth eaten shaggies that tended to reside on the 'selling' page! The cooler weather is indeed bringing rewards down-under......





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I have not really noticed any increase, but there could be a few reasons for this;


1, I am more of a fox/coyote fan, and tend to search ebay for 'fox fur' rather than mink.

2, I have noticed that there are A LOT of Chinese vendors advertising on Ebay Au. I will not buy fur from China for ethical reasons. God forbid if any PETA freaks read this, but I believe in sustainable farming practices, that take the animals' welfare into consideration. I have read/seen too many horror stories/videos to buy any fur from China,

3, Due to the GFC, buying fur from overseas has actually become more affordable due to the strength of our little $$'s, especially against the big 'USofA'


Either way, it is always good to see more furs for sale, as it gives us more choice, hopefully keeps the market value real, and competitive. I am currently looking at getting a fox jacket made by Kostas of Mailon Furs. I just need to get my wife to measure me properly.



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