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PETA Contest. This contest is now closed. See pole.

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Posted (edited)

As stated in the title this is a contest for almost all here.


You will have seen the new topic in Favorites area involving PETA. Well folks here is your chance. What should the title of that thread be? It should be rather comical with perhaps a twist of sarcasm. It should be to the point. Almost educational. However, this is not a contest to insult them. It is a contest to describe them and/or what they do. It must instantly describe that thread to any new folk coming round to very quickly cruize through the forum.


Now I said almost everyone. So often here we admins are doing things. And mods are some of the more frequent posters. So for this, no mods or admins allowed! This little contest is for members only with no mods or administrators allowed to enter.


Have fun folks!



P.S. We had asked Linda to provide us with a brand new white fox coat for the winner. However, it seems right now she just cannot get the pelts, so unfortunately you will just have to settle for our undying gratitude.


***By the way, if someone knows of a post on the New Den or the old Archived Melody posts that should be included in that Thead, please contact one of the mods of that forum and they will post it there for you.


Edited by Guest

I remember a site run by Dan Fegan down in Virginia Beach. He was an anti-peta activist and I suggest we remember him by using his slogan.


PETA. People Eating Tasty Animals.


Folks, I still hope to hear from more of you on this! For the mean time until we get new entries here, I am going to use FurBabe's suggestion for the temporary name for now.



Poorly Educated Teen Activists. I saw that somewhere..


Puerile Efforts , Tiresome Activities?


Please Exterminate These A******s?


Publicity Engineered To Annoy?


I don`t think you can top People Eating Tasty Animals though


I've been thinking about this for a while, now.


I've gone through just about every acronym and initialism there is. Nothing I thought of really "says it all".


But I thought of something that's simple, to the point and, if you say it out loud five times really fast, it sounds just a little bit twisted and "X-Rated":


"The P.E.T.A. Files"



Geeee... Talk about variations on a theme (PETAphiles) *grin*

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