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Well, while doing a research on Palm Spring, California, for my work, i remembered visiting the city twenty some years ago.

I was with friends from that city and they did a little city tour with us explaining all kinds of things about the city.

And i remember one thing very clearly in my head. they say the temparature over there is very sunny and dry. It is true. I was there playing basketball with their kid, in july, and it was very hot.


What struck my mind, and i'm sure it would of struck yours, is that they mention something about a very popular musical player. His name...Liberace. And thats when they said he often wore furs in his concert and at home. I remember them saying how weird that is in a hot environment like Palm Spring.


So today, as i was searching about the city i remembered that event and decided to quickly do a research on him. And here's what i found:




I'm certainly not here to judge him. Other have done it before me, and others will do it after me.


I'm only here to talk about his furs...some of them being just wonderfur.


So here it is. The extravagent Liberace.

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Liberace was something else. Even, though his style is not for me personally I have no problems with him or his music. He was an entertainer in a time where entertainment had a different status and meant something quite different than what you would associate it with today. I have absolutely no problems with his alleged homosexuality and admire him for his courage and willingness to wear fur in public and during his shows. Some of the coats are absolutely lovely...

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As a young guy I was privately thrilled to see him come on stage (TV) wrapped in furs


Everyone knew he was gay in a time when it was not cool but I didn't care.


I was crazy over furs and I wasn't gay. That's when I figured out they were not connected.



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Liberace was beyond compare a very gentle, sweet, wonderful man. I first met him in Baltimore, MD where he performed on occasion and after one of his the performances a dear friend of mine “long departed” had a privet party for him. There were around 50 of us by invitation only, waiting for his arrival. Over half the crowd was beautiful well cut young men some professional models. When he arrived of course he made a dramatic grand entrance. He came down the stairs in a full length Blue Fox with the fur returning into the lining about 8” a hugh collar and the finest satin I have ever seen.


He went around the room greeting everyone and it was finally my turn. I was already trying to conceal the bulge then he smiled and said, “Oh darling come here and give me a hug.” That was all it took he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into all that fur. I physically lost control as we held each other. He whispered in my ear and that is all you need to know. As he let go and backed up he noticed the damp spot on my jeans. He smiled and asked: me, the fur or the combination? I pulled him back into my arms and we enjoyed the first slow dance of the evening. We were the only two in the room as we danced and to this day I don’t know who was more in heat/lust; me with him and all that fur or him in my arms; at the time I was 28 blond 6’3” and a tight cut body (time is cruel).

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