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My remodelled black fox fur coat (with pictures)

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Hi all,


I had a dream for a long time: get a realy male/man black fox fur coat with a removable hood, in bomber jacket stile.

I want to use it "every day", wear it on a street with proud.


As you know the realy nice black fox fur coats are very rare and expensive.


Next to my normal job, I make a busines with furs. I would like to bought it from my busines.


Few month ago I bought a black fox fur from Lotusellese (on eBay).

This coat:






More picture here:



It was beautiful, like new, but very big and yes, it's a woman fur coat.


I bring it to my furrier, and she remodelled it to me. She loved my idea and was happy, because she could make a realy unique fur coat!

After about 1,5 month waiting here it is the result

I love it!! The hood is removable and it is fur inside too.

I wear it on the street! I had 2 walk already, the weather is about 0 degree here now. Today was a little bit snowing.


The pictures :











More pictures here:



Please share, what do you think about it (and about me in my coat )!




I think you look incredible in your coat!!


The furrier did a beautiful job from the photos.





Posted (edited)

I am envious! I saw that coat on ebay, and immediately wanted it! Personally I would have left it longer, but I already have a shorter coat/jacket. I'll bet the hood feels great wrapped around your head!


Great job! It was worth the wait!




PS Your English is VERY good! It is FAR better than my Hungarian (which is non-existant for me)!

Edited by Guest

i still have my black fox jacket and its a Favorite, and a hat with tails to enjoy with it.


Yours is GREAT! I have dreamed about a fox lined fox hood and that looks great. I would have made it part of the coat not attached by hooks.




Amazing! This was very creative of you to think to do this. When you don't have a lot of money, there are still ways to wear a nice fur coat. I think the length makes it very modern and youthful on you. Great job...love it.


Thank you for your many lovely words (for my cooat and my languge knowledge too)

I'm very happy, because you also love it. On Sunday a toke two long walks in the city center, Christmas market. The snow was falling, and it was wonderful feeling.


I have a long silver fox fur coat too. Possible you saw it before. In next year I want to remodel it. I would be happy, if you can show me some long male/man silver fix coat.

Thank you everything! And enjoy yours furs!!!


You look magnifico in that coat!


I have onealmost exactly like it, but longer.


Wear it often!

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