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interesting article about Russian fur farm

Guest freemetolovefur

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"A sable coat costs about $11 000 there." That's a steal! Though I must note that this article was published 10 years ago, so we must take inflation, not just in Russia, but all over the world, and also the increased demand for fur, into account. Still, I just took note of it, in my future purchases research list:)

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Well, I just had a quick look over the fur auction results at the Soyuzpushnina website, and in December 2002, the top price for farmed sable was $185 and the low price was $40, whereas in this year's December auction, minimum price was $76, average price was $199 and TOP price was $1100! Yes, that's the price of a SINGLE sable pelt, proudly acquired by Tsoukas Bros of Kastoria, Greece:) Now, sable is not a large animal like coyote or fox, so I cannot imagine how many sable pelts are needed to make one coat...




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Now, sable is not a large animal like coyote or fox, so I cannot imagine how many sable pelts are needed to make one coat...


It depends on the length of the coat and what type of sable is used. Sables from different regions in Russia differ in size as well as coat color.


From the Sojuzpushnina website:



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