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Is this the beginning of the end of fur sales in the USA???

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Los Angeles Times reports:


"Los Angelino's, rejoice! Last weekend, West Hollywood officially became the first city in the country to ban the sale of wearable fur in retail stores. City council members passed the law by unanimous vote 2 years ago, and it finally went into effect on 9/21/2013..."


Retailer files a law suite against West Hollywood over ban on fur apparel 9/27/2013...




This is complete BS! I cannot believe that a modern day, supposedly educated city council, would even think that this is a good idea. Not being an American myself, or have never visited America, I can only make my judgments from what one hears/sees/reads in the press and media. But I was of the opinion that the whole basis of American being, was one in which it's people are free to do as they wish, as long as they do not break the law?


How can it possibly be right, that it is OK to carry a handgun or other fire arm in public, but not to wear Ugg boots or a winter coat with a fur trim? This is all just political correctness gone mad, the powerful politicians bowing to pressure from the extreme animal rights lobby, in return for receiving votes. One comment gets it right :

“was passed by city councilmen who have the political support of national animal rights activist groups who wish to impose their will over others


And how do they possibly explain that it is OK to sell a fur blanket, made of 100+ pelts, but not a fox trimmed parka, using less than 1 skin? How is it OK to sell leather boots, but not UGG Boots? How is it OK to sell a leather purse made from a wild caught Alligator, but not a coat made from humanly farmed fur?


This is no doubt going to be the beginning of something much bigger, and should be stopped before it sets a precedence for other States, and ends with a complete ban of all fur products (but not leather???)


I find that what is going on is a violation of civil rights to be able to sell fur coats and wear it when and where we want...... people are just uber EPA freaks on this issue and this is just my opinion..



I find that what is going on is a violation of civil rights to be able to sell fur coats and wear it when and where we want...... people are just uber EPA freaks on this issue and this is just my opinion..



EPA is NOT an animal rights group.


And it's not about civil rights. It's about commerce rights. That doesn't make this dumb law right. I'm just clarifying on what grounds it should be stuck down.

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