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I noticed that the new to-die-for fox coat has been listed eBay by Elsa2008 and that some pics had been uploaded to the FFG album.. and before my comment there were just three comments. Out of interest I popped over to 'My Watch list' at eBay and low and behold, 27 folks were watching it (in total). This got me to wondering and so I went through the 26 other items I have on my list to see how many watchers/dreamers (and I am in the last category LOL) there were for each item.


Surprisingly, or not, Silk kimonos took the prize with 207 watchers. I know I am watching it mainly as a template for the blue fox lined silk house coat *grin* and I wonder why others are watching it?


I thought that comforters would be high... but they barely exceeded 30 max. Of course, I don't have the sable ones listed, so they may be higher.


The winning fur coat? Elsa's $21000 silver fox extravagant dream coat. 171 watchers. Well, it has been listed for a while LOL


Oliverfurs gets most of my attention/desires.... and I am surprised to see how many on which there was just one (me?) watcher.


The men's hooded silver fox bomber jacket takes the prize... 4 watchers... whilst 'my blue fox coat' appears to be only loved by me YAY!!!


Maybe I am just to picky in my selections... but if you have a watch list at eBay... do what I did and let's see how it compares.


Mr Barguzin,


I'm not - at least I'm unlikely to be. I deliberately avoid eBay unless I'm definitely looking to buy something. Far too many nice things on sale and unless I am after a specific sort of item I won't just visit to waste time dreaming on items I'll wouldn't get at the time. What with running and promoting sites and enjoying the range of fur sights on the streets here, plus life's more mundane trials and tribulations, I'll focus my dreaming on more accessible things for now.



Mr Mockle

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