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furfashionguide has it gone off line i tryed to log in but the page never came up is the sign of another fur forum or site bitting the dust like the rest like furlover etc,etc i hope not


Ur not the only one not being able to see the site.... I dont have amy connections to any admins on ffg


It is possible that the site is down for un-announced maintenance - or their hosting company is having problems. Both are possibilities with websites that do not run redundant servers. My suggestion would be to wait a day (or 2) and try again.


the sites up and running as of 9:16central us time.... just the main site but not the forums link.... some kind of php error.....


I still get this error:

Configuration: includes/config.php does not exist. Please fill out the data in config.php.new and rename it to config.php


This happens to them fairly often there. They will be back I am sure.


To me this looks like either partially completed software maintenance, or a file system error on the server. Either way, be patient and they will get it straightened out eventually.


Yeah it just got me mad when i saw it was down after all three sites have gone and i thought they was the next.


i just logged onto the site and got this message come up The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later. i wonder if this clears up whats going on.


I dont know if any ones checked but the ffg site and forums are up and running ya'll ........


Not sure which sites you mean have gone. We are still here...


The sites i mean are the fox files ,fur lover ,sliver fox beauties,fur dreamer. any more i will post a list


Yes, Fox Files in particular was a great site that was around for a long, long while!


The others I don't remember as well as to when they began. But it is always sad to lose such sites. But if no one is patronizing them, they will be gone. It is as simple as that. Sites like those take humongous work levels and if no one shows interest by thanking those who do the work, then the owners will just not have the steam to keep them up.


I see the sites down again perhaps they should get a server that stays going and not crashing all the time.


sounds to me like who ever owns the FFG site needs to change host to clear up issues or have better firewall service for the site


I have a hunch that they are doing a site redesign.


It would be nice if there was a placeholder page to that effect.


i see its off line again perhaps they should get a new host or give up.


The problem may NOT be their host. Unless you can communicate directly with those who own the site, you cannot be sure what the cause is.


I have read this post with interest and there does seem to be a panic that sites will go down, yet looking at various sites like this one how many of can be bothered to reply to posts or pictures that people have taken the time to share with you! So if sites do disappear let me give you a guess who's fault that is!

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