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souvenirs af women in fur

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I am sure many of us like watching women in furs and I am sure many of us have some souvenirs of particularly beautiful fur sights. Why not talking about it. Here is one to start with:


It was during winter 2000 in Zermatt, the Swiss the ski resort. She was tall, blonde, beautiful and dressed in a floor length Lunaraine mink coat. Both my wife an I were so impressed that we followed her until she entered a house. The next day we saw her again in the same coat. This time we couldn't resist to tell her how beautiful she was. It made her very happy and she told her how much she loved wearing fur.


A strong souvenir indeed.




I can remeber over 1 year ago a black woman with a bright yellow fox bollaro on in the Staten Island Store. I said to her beautiful coat witch it was. She answered "thank you".


About 5 years ago I was in Chicago for the January Housewares Show. I met some of the guys I was traveling with in the lobby of our hotel (the Swiss Hotel) before heading out to a business dinner.


While we were standing around waiting and talking an absolutely stunning Asian woman walked in and sat down near us. She was wearing a beautiful full length platinum fox coat and silver metallic evening pumps. I have no idea what else she was wearing, if anything, as she kept the coat wrapped around her the whole time.


We were all dumb struck by this beautiful, sexy woman. We kept shifting positions as we talked to get the best view. After about 15 minutes 3 guys came into the hotel together. She stood up and hugged and kissed one of them and then they all left together.


Seeing her was an absolutely intoxicatingly sexy experieince.


sf fur


An elevator ride with an ankle length mahogany mink wrapped around a young blonde princess. It was a very cold afternoon and when I remarked as to how warm her lovely garment looked, she pulled the lapels together in a mock shiver and agreed. It's a great memory for a middle aged guy.


Walking in the pub and later restaurant with my girlf in black fox and mink and Kristy the model in silver fox was an extremely nice experience as I am sure it will have given a few nice "souvenirs" to others. I am sure Blackfox will agree....he is in Punchestown at the moment.


What was really nice is seeing one young guys mouth fall open and his girlfriend digging him in the ribs and saying...if you bought me one I would look as good as that!


Sometimes its nice to give a souvenir.....


Back in the early 70's (the time when it seemed every other girl in London either had a coney fur coat, or silver fox bolero from Portobello Road or Carnaby Street.


My girlfirend (one of my first) was sitting next to me in the car wearing her beautifull soft coney fur coat which she had recently purchased. She suddenly pulled the collar up around her face, snuggled into it, closed her eyes and said "Hmmmm there's definately something about fur" Then she looked at me and held my eyes, and said "It's knowing what it can do"


I hadn't told her of my love for fur, but it made my heart go into overdrive and my legs turn to jelly. I was young, inexperienced, and still shy with girls at that time, so I stupidly blew the moment. Made some useless, gabbling reply of some sort. After all she had just put me into inner turmoil, a fantasy come true, I just wanted to wrap her in my arms and hug and kiss her to pieces. But, as I say, too shy - what an idiot.


Circumstances took us apart shortly after that so she never did get to explain or demonstrate what she meant by that wonderfully teasing comment. But it's a souvenir moment that will stay with me for ever. If I ever feel down, that memory always makes me smile again.


To this day, I'm still not sure whether it was a "come on", or just a young girl luxuriating in the feeling of fur.


As a woman it seems I'd give more fur 'souvenirs' than receive but I've had a few good moments myself.


One that sticks out in my mind was from when I was a bit younger, less experienced, and didn't have a fur to my name much less a place of my own to hang them.


I was in Duluth with a few girlfriends and we passed the one fur store I know of in town (on Superior Street), and I did my usual 'look longingly into the window but dare not go in as we walked by' look.


One of my friends suggested we go in, "just for fun," so we walked in and tried on a few coats.


By far the best moment was when a friend wearing a fluffy blue fox (if memory serves, which it should) turned to me and said in a teasing voice (and I quote) "If you were my boyfriend, would you f**k me if I wore this home?"


It was an idle question for my other friend and I, but it cemented the all and out sensualness of fur and how it could make your mind reel and turn flips when "worn in the right way" for me then and there.


I had never really gave any thought to actually owning fur (just wanting to) before then, but that moment gave me the desire to go out and buy a full length fox shortly thereafter as well as opened my mind to other things.


All in all, one of my best fur souvenirs.



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As a woman it seems I'd give more fur 'souvenirs' than receive but I've had a few good moments myself.


By far the best moment was when a friend wearing a fluffy blue fox (if memory serves, which it should) turned to me and said in a teasing voice (and I quote) "If you were my boyfriend, would you f**k me if I wore this home?"




interesting comment. I thought only guys think of crazy things like that?

As a woman it seems I'd give more fur 'souvenirs' than receive but I've had a few good moments myself.


By far the best moment was when a friend wearing a fluffy blue fox (if memory serves, which it should) turned to me and said in a teasing voice (and I quote) "If you were my boyfriend, would you f**k me if I wore this home?"




interesting comment. I thought only guys think of crazy things like that?


At the time I remember thinking something like, "If I asked a guy that, wearing that, would they f**k ME?"


There was also a certain shock in seeing my friend, who to that moment had been as 'vanilla' as they come, ask another girl such a raunchy (to me at that time) question to two of her girlfriends.


It was also about that time that my first thought of what else there might be occured to me. But we need not delve further into that thought yet.



Hmmm why not Kate?


I suppose the cat is somewhat out of the bag on this one.


While I am generally quite secretive about what I let people know about me, as best evidenced by my reluctance to post my picture (there *is* a rather unpleasant story to go along with that), I will share something with all of you who I haven't already shared this with:


To put it as simply as I can, I've had somewhat bisexual tendencies since I was a teenager. I prefer men over women -to be sure- but I have had both men and women as sexual partners and I find men and women to be attractive in their own ways.


This isn't something that is widely known to the rest of my family and friends, and I wouldn't *want* them to know it, but I am comfortable sharing it with you all.


In any case. That's my story. I hope none of you think any less of me, but I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem. I hope.


Geez, Kate... Do you really think that would be a problem here? I hope not...




Well spoken Kate and Well spoken FurLover.

Kate one of the aims of all of us here I am sure on staff is to make this place a home to everyone. Things like that just don't matter here.



You may need to meet my avatar....

I think its pretty normal in women....they don't have the lone wolf, supreme stallion mentality that men do. The vast majoroty of women I have met are at least bi curious.


So of you don't want to post a pic, how about a description of yourself (and your furs) Velvet, now you have us all excited?

I guess nothing happened with your fur friends?


Oh and a little gift . Though this may not be up everyones street, there is a little faux fur there. Would like to see some shots like that with real furs.




HEy S1m!!!! Can you do anything with those?

Geez, Kate... Do you really think that would be a problem here? I hope not...




I know, I know. I am just a bit squeamish about sharing too much. It's always been sort of a problem. Thanks to FLinFL, White Fox, and Tos and everyone for curing me of that particular worry.


I'll try and figure something out for everyone giving you all a better idea of what I look like and what furs I own in the future.


Oh, and TOS, I somewhat *did* follow up on my friend's remark.


Another long story.


toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot!!!!!!!!(fanfare)


You must know every man approves of that kind of thing!


On a serious note, denial of ones nature is very dangerous and can lead to serious hangups and bizarre peversions. As you said, its just mild, but if you surpress it it could lead to misery in later life. Sometimes, even talking about a fantasy can lead to inner peace.



So firstly its a wonderful story that most of here welcome hearing about....and I am certain even some of the non bi curious ladies here will at least savour that secretly.

And secondly, please realise that you are entirely normal and you can be open here Kate, as long as you don't go into uneccessary detail (you can pm me that!!!!! )




Methinks Kate might have to set up a subscription service *grin* for the full story.




A lady being Bi or having inclinations that way is still more socially acceptable than a bloke in a fur coat in certain places. As one of the "scaredie-cats", more power to you.



On a serious note, denial of ones nature is very dangerous and can lead to serious hangups and bizarre peversions. As you said, its just mild, but if you surpress it it could lead to misery in later life. Sometimes, even talking about a fantasy can lead to inner peace.





Is this what happened to you??




PS Sorry, Just could not resist that one!!


ya got me!!!!


No but seriously, repression=depression. I think.


From one of those "not bi-curious females", you shouldn't feel uncomfortable about anything. It's cool with me and I know it's way cool with most men (Kev included).




aw shelley...dont spoil Kevs fantasies!!!!


Kate - Re: your post, I would just like to add to the comments of the others. It just dosen't matter to us. Hopefully we re all friends here.


I feel a little guilty that my tongue in cheek, off the cuff comment (why not Kate?) may have put pressure on you to say what you said. I do hope not.


Anyway, it's great to hear your story


By the way Touch - What kind of a fan fare is that? I thought it was a car horn in a traffic jam.


Here's mine, 'specially composed for Kate at great expense


Toot toot tootitoot titoot toot toot tootittooti toot.......... ti


Now THAT's music - yeah!

Kate - Re: your post, I would just like to add to the comments of the others. It just dosen't matter to us. Hopefully we re all friends here.


I feel a little guilty that my tongue in cheek, off the cuff comment (why not Kate?) may have put pressure on you to say what you said. I do hope not.


Anyway, it's great to hear your story


No pressure, I've been meaning to get that onto the board for awhile. You just gave me a gentle half push, if even that.


Again, thanks to everyone. I guess I *knew* you wouldn't be weird about it, but I'm from a family that really IS weird about stuff like that and I let that cloud my decision initially.


I love all you guys and gals here! Furry hugs for all of you!



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