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Is fur season starting to wind down again?

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Hello everyone?


Been a while since my last report on fur sights in Alicante. While there have been a good number in January and several regular sightings of locals wearing the same furs (or a selection of different ones) in February, I fear the end of the season is not too far away. It's been much more warm here in the last week or so, a bit wetter too and spring can't be too far away. I have not seen anything too special or new to my eyes for several days now either, so many that's the best of it until November. Hopefully some of you in colder more northerly climes will hang on to better fur spotting opportunities for another month or so.


It was great fun throughout though: possibly my best winter of fur spotting ever.



Mr Mockle


Hell no.....I'm expecting it to wind up down here in the deep South.....the Summer is finally cooling off and I am seeing some more local ads for furs...


May the Winter here be cold and furry....




Well, not here in New York! We arrived yesterday and are staying until Saturday afternoon. I've seen a huge amount of furs of all types and qualities from 'vintage' worn by students to a full length sable worn by a very glamorous woman close to Tiffany's. It's Mrs. DB's birthday today so we had a visit to Bloomingdales where she tried on an ankle length Russian sable coat that was on 'sale'. It was reduced from $120,000 to 'only' $79,995! However, the coat next to it was at full price and was...$140,000!! (Although the extremely nice assistant did say that they could make a reduction!)


It was a real shame that all of this was only fantasy since Mrs. DB looked FANTASTIC in them! I asked the helpful girl if they sold many garments such as these. 'Not many' she replied. They had a lovely selection of minks at sale prices and, had we been in the market, we probably could have got a bargain. Although the prices were as much as 40% off we could have got a deal as well as our 10% discount for being 'foreign'.


There was also a colossal red fox bedspread which was simply gorgeous. Oh, to be rich!


The girl did comment that Mrs. DB's ankle length mink was 'gorgeous' and had we had it made to order? When I told her that we bought it second hand in the UK for £900 she was amazed and showed us something similar that was $12,000!


There was some fabulous fur to be seen worn by the Bloomingdale's clientele. One woman in particular was wearing what looked like a 'layered' red fox coat. (Ankle length). She looked stunning! I had temporarily lost Mrs. DB so I 'phoned her to find her location and 'accidentally' took a hasty photo. There were full length minks to be seen worn by woman of all ages, sizes and nationalities.


There's a lot of fur on the streets too. I'll report more as and when. After today, the temperature shouldn't climb above zero and may go as low as -10.


We're also going to Carnegie Hall tonight so, hopefully, there'll some fur to be seen there too.

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Well, the fur wearing women of New York did not disappoint at Carnegie Hall last night! There was quite a substantial amount of very high quality, mainly full length minks, on show. My goodness, you really needed it (and I envied my wife HER ankle length mink last night!) since it was really cold.


The women here seem to like to wear them very loose and cuddly and give the impression that they are really putting on a show. Perhaps the highlight, for me, was seeing an oldish woman at the end waiting for her Lincoln Town Car whilst wearing an ankle length sable with a person who looked like a 'companion'. I did manage to 'brush' past her and this was a diamond amongst furs although it didn't stop her from dropping cigarette ash down it!


So far so good. Today, I'll try to see some more.

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We are getting what they call a "Polar vortex" here in Winnipeg... its basically cold air that swings down from Siberia and just sits here for a long time... the temperature is going to fall through the day to -21C and overnight lows of -34 area.. with the windchill we are expecting -47.... It will stay like that past the weekend before it finally breaks... just for reference, our NORMAL daytime high should be around -5C this time of year and overnight low of -15C area.. this winter has not been fun... Ive gone out very little for fur walks this year just because it is too cold... no one wants to be out in that!




Good to hear that some of you are still seeing some nice things - or hope to see more in the southern hemisphere - but those polar winds can take the fun out of everything I'm sure. Not had much chance to get out this week but I've only seen a handful of furs around this week - mostly vests and gilets with a couple of jackets - and didn't see any yesterday at all, but a couple of colder days are due at the weekend so we might get a few out then, fingers crossed.



Mr Mockle

  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like another cold blast of overnight air.. -12C overnight lows... +1C only for highs.. and we have so much snow here it will be around for at least another 3 weeks...


Looks like a nice night for a walk wrapped in a full length fox

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