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Fur Names

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I am looking for words that mean "fur" which are similar to certain names.

I'm hoping that people can give me some ideas.


I have two names that I'm trying to make sound "furry."


"Richard Wright" and "Roger Waters."


I already have furry names for "David Gilmoure" and "Nick Mason.

"David Fur-moure" and "Mink Mason."


Um... Yeah... You might recognize those names. Yes, you would be right. They are Pink Floyd. And, also, yes... I'm talking about "Dark Side of the Moon."

Better known as "Dark Side of the Fur."


I'm thinking along the lines of something like "Roger Wool-ters," etc.

I don't know... that doesn't sound furry enough.


Does anybody else have any ideas for furry portmanteaus?


How about "Fisher Wright?"



How about...


"Richard Fur Is-Wright" and "Roger Fox Makes your eye's-Waters." Lol...

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