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Queen Ukraine 2014

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The competition took place in Rhodes, Greece due to the events in Ukraine.

Here we see the winner wearing a Luxurious MAILON FURS chinchilla




Very nice! Reminds me of the good old days when the beauty queens here in the U.S. were rewarded with a fur!




Did she get to keep the fur? I hope so She does look beautiful, and seems to certainly be enjoying wearing it


The Eastern European countries do seem very good at being populated by very pretty women, my wife included!

  • 3 weeks later...

No she did not get to keep it. If we gave away a fur garment to every girl ever modelled for them we would be out of business already, hehe

But indeed many beautiful women originate from those parts of the globe

  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome! Beauty contests (or pageants) used to have fur coats among the prizes for the winners. A beautiful fur coat for the most beautiful girl at a pageant, seems right to me




You could probably auction that fur off for twice its retail price just on the premise that such a hot babe who won the pageant actually wore it!


No joke!


Who here wouldn't bid on it if they had the cash?


That a good idea

But if anyone wants this coat it is still available, at regular price.

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