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Just wanted to let everyone know here that we are really sorry for the time that our server has been down but this was totally out of our control. There was a major disc failure at our server level, and that caused us to lose the whole site. Luckily we have a pretty much up to date copy of everything but the last few hours.


So folks. We are partly back now and in the near future we will be restoring everything. Thank You so much for bearing with us on this. If you have the emails of any friends here you might like to email them to let them know that we are getting close at least to getting the site back.


We owe a huge debt of gratitude to AKCoyote here for working tirelessly on switches and links to make this all return for us! While we wait, he works and sweats endlessly making certain that everything is working for all of us to enjoy! Thank You So Much AKC! We really appreciate it greatly!


Thanks for your patience!


White Fox


WF, AK and all,


Welcome back indeed guys. I know these sorts of crashes always happen at the worst of times but congratulations on getting this back up and running.



Mr Mockle


Big thanks to all involved in bringing the fur den (and associated sites) back up. Happy that very little may have been lost.


Well done guys, and thankyou for all the hard work. I for one know that I do not have any knowledge of computers beyond 'copy and paste' and watching you tube, so I appreciate the time, effort and skill put in by others for no return, other than keeping this site up and running for others to use and enjoy.

Thanks for the efforts, it is much appreciated by many more than will say so here I think, and that is the great thing about the Den is that there are people here willing to help out.


May the Den go on,

999 xxx



Thanks for all the hard work its great to see this site back. I think the site is great maintaining backup so that it could be restored. I am a little surprised it was running without using a RAID disk array to be able to have a disk failure without going off line.


A BIG Congrats " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />



I am a little surprised it was running without using a RAID disk array to be able to have a disk failure without going off line.

Our hosting costs are somewhat expensive WITHOUT a RAID array. With one, membership would have to be by high priced subscription only

I am a little surprised it was running without using a RAID disk array to be able to have a disk failure without going off line.

Our hosting costs are somewhat expensive WITHOUT a RAID array. With one, membership would have to be by high priced subscription only


Time for a new provider imo... Hard drives are a dime a dozen now a days - there is zero excuse to not have a raid setup for any provider... but glad you managed to get it all back quickly.

Time for a new provider imo... Hard drives are a dime a dozen now a days - there is zero excuse to not have a raid setup for any provider... but glad you managed to get it all back quickly.
Agreed that hard drives are a reasonably priced commodity, but hosting providers are a profit driven lot. Most hosting companies will NOT provide more than a basic system without charging a outrageous amount.

Good to see you back up and running...tremendous effort...


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