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Not all members here are fur fetishists. Many appreciate the other aspects of fur. However, I will somewhat agree with you that most are either too shy, unmotivated, afraid their posts are not anonymous and could be traced back to them, or not truly interested in discussing fur to post any comments even when the topic does interest them.


And without discussion, it is VERY difficult for the admins to find justification to keep this website going.


I've gotta' go with Brooke on this one...


A lot of people put a lot of work into making things for others to see but often don't get so much as a "screw you" out of it.


Way to go if you want to keep people motivated to make stuff for you!


Worker 11811


Has it EVER occurred to you that not all of us are into this "in your face porn" which seems to be what this site has been denigrated into?




Point taken and understood but please understand me.

I did not say that I was either in favor or against the subject matter.


I simply said that I agree with Brooke's sentiment that nobody responds when people post material for others to see.

Nobody responds either for OR against. Nobody says what they like or don't like. Nobody says what they want to see more of or less of. Nobody says anything. There is often no response at all. Even when there is a response it's usually a "nice" and that's it.


How are people who provide content, pictures, movies, renderings, stories, or just plain social posts supposed to know what to post if nobody says anything? We are left to guess.


Please don't get upset with me because I am glad that you spoke up.

You are the first person in a long time who expressed a direct opinion about what they like. I am very glad to hear from you.


Now, if you don't mind me asking, what do you think a good compromise solution would be?




I get a real rush from Brooke's website and welcome her posts here at the Fur Den. Once more I am fighting the urge to join up. I don't seem to remember anyone complaining when Brandy was posting her material. Mr Mockle posts here too. Perhaps Brooke is coming across as a little bit spoilt, just as real fur mistress should be! However it would seem reasonable to me that the adult posts are restricted to the adult section of this site.


I do feel guilty about my fur fetish and I do believe that the porn is bad ----- but I like it.


Respect to everyone.

Worker 11811


Has it EVER occurred to you that not all of us are into this "in your face porn" which seems to be what this site has been denigrated into?




Then don't read Brookes posts. Don't go to the site. Don't watch the teaser videos. This is a choice you make. What you are doing right now is actively seeking out something that annoys you (when you don't have to) and throwing your annoyance in our face. I don't like apples, so I ignore apples when I'm at the grocery store. I don't go on a childish rant to all the customers in the store about how apples are shit and that I'll stop coming to the store if they don't remove them. I certainly don't tell everybody that they should hate apples either.


Quality fur fetish content is extremely scarce, and has always been scarce. Brooke puts a hell of a lot of money, effort and time into creating his/her content and most fur fetishists are eternally grateful for it. It's top, top quality stuff. I hope he/she profits. I hope his/her advertisements are read by as many as possible. I hope he/she never stops.


And I hope those who are annoyed by it just ignores the posts and stops trying to ruin it for us others when there's no need for you to even care.

However it would seem reasonable to me that the adult posts are restricted to the adult section of this site.


I have to admit that I have been pretty lax about keeping the adult material in the adult section of the site. It was a little bit due to laziness on my part but I also didn't think anybody was paying attention.


So, if that is what people want, I'll be more proactive about keeping adult material in the right section of the site.


I do feel guilty about my fur fetish and I do believe that the porn is bad ----- but I like it.


Now, this is a good topic for discussion!


Are you talking about the fur part or the fetish part?

I haven't got any problem about the fur part... obviously.

I don't have a problem with the fetish part as long as everybody involved are consenting adults. If everybody involved in the making of a video is a willing participant over the age of consent it's okay by me. Of course, everybody involved in the consumption of that content needs to be of age, as well.


If being more active in keeping certain material in the right section of the site is what I need to do, then that is what I will do.


What does everybody else think?


I too must admit to being somewhat lax in monitoring post content and moving posts when needed.


As the term "fetish" has multiple definitions and those vary widely and are NOT all regarding a sexual attraction, this could become a lengthy discussion. Dictionary.com lists the following definitions:

1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.

2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion:

to make a fetish of high grades.

3. Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

The Free dictionary by FARLEX lists the following definitions:

1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.

3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.

4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.


The preceding clearly point out that not all uses of the word "fetish" are sexual in nature, although that is the common preconception when one hears the term.


What do you think?


Technically speaking, the term "fetish," as applied to sexual behavior doesn't really exist. It is merely a popular term but, in psychology, there is no written definition of "fetish."


Psychological textbooks do define a term called "paraphilia," where certain behaviors or objects that are not normally associated with sex become objects of arousal to a person. Yes, "doraphilia," sexual arousal brought on by fur, is a recognized paraphilia.


However, we must keep in mind that paraphilias are NOT considered to be disorders! In fact, if you talked to an experienced psychologist, he would probably tell you that EVERYBODY exhibits some kind of paraphilia. A good example of this is underwear. Underwear is a utilitarian garment/object that nearly everybody owns and uses daily. Underwear, by itself, is NOT a sexual object but many people who would be considered "normal" (deliberately in quotes) are sexually aroused by the sight of underwear.


I don't mean that a person is excited by the sight of a woman wearing lingerie. I don't mean that a person is excited by the sight of a shirtless man wearing only boxer shorts. Who wouldn't get excited by seeing that?


No, I mean that, if you handed a pair of underwear to the average adult and asked them how they felt, many of them might say that they had sexual thoughts. Nobody would consider that to be abnormal in the least! Well, guess what, folks? That is a paraphilia! Many paraphilia would be considered NORMAL!


What about shoes? There are many people who are turned on by shoes!

{{Insert Imelda Marcos joke here.}}


So, if people can be turned on by underwear or shoes and still be considered normal, being turned on by fur coats would be normal, too. When it comes down to it, most paraphilia are considered normal and, according to current psychological literature, they are not even classified as a disorder.


The only thing that is considered "abnormal" (again, in quotes) is when the paraphilia causes distress or harm to the individual or other people around him.


So that takes me back to my original statements:

If you aren't hurting yourself or anybody else, as long as you aren't breaking any laws, whatever a consenting adult does in the privacy of his own home is nobody else's business and it's just fine by me.

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