Fetish Mistress Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Please do be aware for anyone that has sponsored FFG and has been banned by the demon/grim 2DYE4 you should cancel your subscription as they will keep taking it on a yearly basis as I have discovered today through my bank... Mistress XXX
Worker 11811 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Yes! I understand your frustration! But, to be fair, many websites (especially adult/porn websites) make recurring charges against people's credit/debit cards without making the fact perfectly clear. Lots of people fall into that trap. Months later, they find charges on their cards that they didn't expect. I'm don't want to sound like I'm absolving FFG of guilt but they aren't the only ones who do things like this. In fact, that is one good reason why I don't frequent that website. It is merely a front for their paid-for adult/porn site. If you know this, you understand this and you are okay about it, there is no reason not to sign up if you want to but, like Brooke, many people don't know and, if they do know, they don't like it. I don't like it. That's the reason why I don't sign up for such things. I much prefer the system we use. If you like the service, donate. No obligations. No recurring charges. As an aside, I would like to make a suggestion. If you use a debit card on the Internet and that number gets charged without your permission, it can be hard to recover the money from your bank. That's why I have two debit cards. One is for regular use in stores and restaurants, etc. The other is for use ONLY on the Internet. I only keep about $20 in that account. That way, if somebody breaks in, they'll only get $20. When I want to buy something from eBay or an online store or if I want to pay a bill online, I transfer the money from my main account to my "Internet Only" account and the payment goes through. If one of those unauthorized payments tries to go through, it will probably bounce. My bank also has a feature where I can set it so I get an e-mail whenever a charge goes against my card. Not only does that warn me about unauthorized charges, it makes it easy to keep my accounts in order. All I have to do is lilts out the e-mails and add them up. I wouldn't be too happy if I was you, either, Brooke. My prayers are with you in hopes that you get this sorted out quickly.
bazza2000 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 My Apologies Started by 2FurFetishes, Today 02:04 AM My Apologies I publicly complained about our mods judgement calls and should not have. I should have PM'd him as the rules of this forum and general courtesy dictate. I was wrong and I am sorry, especially to 2DYE4. Our mods do a fantastic job and I apparently became complacent. I acted inappropriately and immature on a public forum and feel that I owed you a public apology. Keep up the great work mods! 2FurFetishes Zo you sink you can outsmart ze moderators of ze fur fashion guide yar? Vell sink again foolish vone,ve are za masters and zair iz nosink you can do. 2DYE4 Ze General of ze vorld.
Worker 11811 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Ya' know... After all the trouble I've been through in the past couple of years, I have lost the capacity to feel angry toward people like that. I just feel sorry for them.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 25, 2014 Author Posted October 25, 2014 You see this guy he has just dropped straight out of his cuckoo clock!!! He Know F*ck all about me... http://www.furfashionguide.com/furforum/threads/41764-A-short-list-of-BANNED-MODELS Mistress XXX
Worker 11811 Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 According to the way I see things, "spamming" means to post ANY material that competes with theirs. Their form is just a front for their own paid-for adult website. All they want to do is attract people to pay for their own brand of fur porn. Not to say that fur porn is a bad thing. It's just that any fur porn that isn't theirs... and which doesn't funnel money into their pockets... is not allowed on their site. Know what? Fine! I have no problem with FFG making money from fur fetish! Not in the least! My problem comes when they try to portray themselves as the end-all and be-all of fur fetish porn then try to keep other people from doing the same thing they are. At the very least, they need to be up front about what they are doing. (They need to be up front about recurring charges on their customer's credit card numbers, too!) Oh... As an aside... In regard to his comment about a certain person's "unpleasant" demeanor... My answer: "Touche!"
ekcol Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 They must be doing something right since people actually go to their site. Most of us don't enjoy brooke's spam and are glad that it's deleted.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 26, 2014 Author Posted October 26, 2014 Dear ekcol why do you consider I am spamming? I am only showing what is available on my site (with pictures and film clips) didn't FFG used to do the same when they released a new film, doesn't the big film companies such as MGM show us clips on TV of their new releases in the cinema, please tell me what is the difference... Mistress XXX
Worker 11811 Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 The Fur Den's definition of spam is when a person posts links to products or off-site content and: 1) The links are not fur related. 2) The person who posts those links does not regularly participate in the forum. Brooke passes both tests. Not spam.
ekcol Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Brooke, the difference is that those examples pay for something of value in order to advertise. FFG pays for a forum that that actually has activity on it and a usable gallery. MGM's commercials pay for the television program that you are watching. Worker, that's ok that those are the site's policies, but if those policies don't foster a place that people want to take part in, they may not be good policies. How does Brooke regularly participate in the forum? Just by posting spam links to her site? Wouldn't all spammers fit that definition of "participate" just by the nature of making spam posts? The only other thing I've seen her post about is how mad she is that FFG won't let her spam their site. I'm not saying FFG is perfect and don't agree with all of their moderating decisions, but I think the difference in activity between there and here reflects there is something to the way they run things.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 26, 2014 Author Posted October 26, 2014 If you look at my earlier post I did pay on FFG and then got banned after I was told I could post anything...They don't play fair... I do play fair, ask Mr. Mockle awhile ago I alerted him to a load of his full films that were pirated and on show in Russia so he could have them deleted. Mistress XXX
Fetish Mistress Posted October 26, 2014 Author Posted October 26, 2014 I play fair FFG do not, ask Mr Mockle who alerted him to the fact that his ripped off films were all over Russia... ME!!! Mistress XXX
ekcol Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 That's what you say, but you haven't provided any evidence. Judging by your inability to type readable sentences, I'm inclined to believe that you were also unable to read and understand their guidelines. Your second point is a complete non-sequitur. What does that have to do with the price of beans, and how does it show that you "play fair"? You obviously don't "play fair" because you do nothing but spam, spam, spam.
Worker 11811 Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Please speak on issues, not personalities. If you don't like something, you have the right to say so but, please, do not get personal about it.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 26, 2014 Author Posted October 26, 2014 That's what you say, but you haven't provided any evidence. Judging by your inability to type readable sentences, I'm inclined to believe that you were also unable to read and understand their guidelines. Your second point is a complete non-sequitur. What does that have to do with the price of beans, and how does it show that you "play fair"? You obviously don't "play fair" because you do nothing but spam, spam, spam. I am sorry I maybe am not so educated as you... Mistress
Worker 11811 Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 This is me taking off my official hat and talking like a regular person. Whether you like Brooke's style, that is the character she portrays. If you like that style, join up and get a membership for her videos. If you don't like it, don't join. It really is that simple. One thing I have noticed is that Brooke accepts criticism. People, including me, have talked about what they like and don't like in her videos. She listens to what people had to say and she doesn't take it personally. In fact, she has actually changed her videos a little bit in response to criticism, both negative and positive. Adult videos are her business and, as far as I can tell, she does that business well. I never said that I liked everything about her videos. Brooke and I are not buddy-buddy but I accept her, as she is, and I don't get personal about it. I don't criticize her grammar and her use of English. How can I? I don't even know whether English is her first language. Is it fair to criticize somebody whose first language isn't English? Would it be fair for her to criticize me because I don't speak Chinese? (Sorry for the assumption. I don't know your background, Brooke. I'm only using "Chinese" for rhetorical purposes. Okay?) I have been through a lot of personal trouble in the last year and I have been subject to a lot of very mean-spirited personal attacks. I didn't like it one bit. I was hurt by it, very much. I don't like it and I don't like standing by, watching it happen to other people. Brooke has been a good sport about taking criticism. Yes, she does participate in the forums. She has 86 posts, to date. That's more than a lot of people around here. She has been clear and straightforward about what she does and what she offers, as far as I can tell. I like some of the videos she has made but not all of them. I have said what I don't like and I have said why. I don't expect everybody to like what she does. Brooke and I don't see eye to eye but I don't have a problem with it and I don't believe it to be spam. If people want to talk about things that they like and don't like, I'm happy to hear. If people just want to let this conversation degrade into personal insults and put-downs, I won't be happy with that and I'll be forced to put on my official hat again and act accordingly. Capiche?
ekcol Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 What do you mean "degrade into personal insults and put-downs"? How can it degrade into that when that's what it started out as? Brooke called someone a "demon" in her first post, and you didn't say anything about that. Why are you standing by when she does it? Her language skills are relevant because she is claiming that FFG lied to her when it is obvious she has paid no attention to their rules. Your ability to speak Chinese would definitely be relevant if you were posting on a Chinese site and complaining about their rules if you couldn't understand them.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 27, 2014 Author Posted October 27, 2014 What do you mean "degrade into personal insults and put-downs"? How can it degrade into that when that's what it started out as? Brooke called someone a "demon" in her first post, and you didn't say anything about that. Why are you standing by when she does it? Her language skills are relevant because she is claiming that FFG lied to her when it is obvious she has paid no attention to their rules. Your ability to speak Chinese would definitely be relevant if you were posting on a Chinese site and complaining about their rules if you couldn't understand them. So you are telling me that what 2DYE4 is not trying to degrade me??? (I do hope that was spelt right for you) http://www.furfashionguide.com/furforum/threads/41764-A-short-list-of-BANNED-MODELS
AKcoyote Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 ekcol, While you may dislike brooke for whatever reasons, I will not let this topic continue if you continue to attack her personally. Yes, brooke did vent about the moderation at FFG, and I think she may have been justified in doing so. However any further personal attacks will cause me to lock this topic
Fetish Mistress Posted October 27, 2014 Author Posted October 27, 2014 I am sorry for my language skills, maybe I should go to night school?... Mistress XXX
alphonso Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Hello, Brooke, for what it's worth you have my support. Keep on posting please.
Fetish Mistress Posted October 27, 2014 Author Posted October 27, 2014 Thank you so much it is nice to have positive comment/feedback (Mmm I hope I am spelling correct) ??? Mistress XXX
ekcol Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Oh well, you've just lost another member. What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. Why does she have carte blanche to attack and insult other people without any repercussion? This forum's pretty much dead anyway, so I'm not sure why the moderators do everything they can to lose even more users.
White Fox Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 I am not sure why you think that we are doing everything that we can, in order to lose even more members. In fact we do allow posts that other forums do not allow as we pretty much refuse to ban anyone on these forums. We just believe that everyone deserves a chance to have their message heard if they are willing to take the time to write it out and tell other members what they wish to tell them. Each message posted on every forum is a message from the heart, and NO ONE should ever delete them or ban members for writing what they as individuals wish to write. So no one should ever be banned except as a very last, last, last resort! Nor should topics be locked except in the same conditions. BUT, unfortunately we cannot allow people to make personal comments about others. That just goes over the line. Ekcol, you have been a valued member here and we certainly hope that you will stay and keep posting. We hope that Brooke will as well. However, unfortunately things are being said here that are over the line. I have sat back and watched this thinking that it would cool down but instead everyone keeps pushing, so it is best to end this before more feelings are hurt. I hope that everyone here will sit down and think to themselves "If that person was sitting here looking me in the eye right now would I say this about him or her?" As mentioned we do not believe in banning members here where on some other forums members would have been banned for saying less than was said here. I hope that everyone here will just let this lie now, and see that it is best to forget about this topic and move on. We can all enjoy this site. And I think that we should do that! Topic locked so we can all enjoy the site. Added later... I am sorry that I forgot one thing in the message above. Re spam. Yes, we do allow messages from people here about their web sites. Mr M for instance. Kostas as Mailon Furs is another. There have been so many over the years. Most ALL of these people have been huge contributors to our site in one way or another. If we did not allow them to post messages about their sites here that would once again - as above - be unfair. The staff on this web site work their butts off in order to give others a place to enjoy themselves with no work here at all. These other people from other sites work their butts off to make a web site for you folks to enjoy so we we should allow you to see it! We should allow them - within limits - to show you their work, as long as they do not overdo the privilege. No we do not allow continual posts. I will admit that some of Brooke's post should have been made on our Fetish Forum. Yes, that was our fault that we did not promote that. We will do our best to make the proper changes in the future. I hope that makes sense.
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