White Fox Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 I recently posted this message on another thread here... However, I have to warn all here that two of our staff here loaned this site money to keep going yet no members have sponsored us to pay them back. And, with time coming again that we need to pay up memberships in less than two years, unless more people take an interest in this site it may be gone as well! VERY SAD NEWS, but that is reality! Not one person has responded. Does this mean that everyone here would be ok with it if this site was taken down? Just that we use these threads as a means to gather public opinions on the site, etc. But if no one is going to give us hints of what you would like to see changed here. Of what you would like added. Of things you don't like about the way our site is handled here. Or to post on threads like our old friend Samurman did just yesterday. Then, we might as well pull the plug now. We as staff are not some unknown persons from no man's land. We are just ordinary people like each of you are. We will work our butts off in order to give you a good site if there are people left who appreciate that. But if there is no one left who does, then we are much better to spend our time at other things to benefit more people. And to take this site down. This is up to the members here to decide. We as staff cannot do that. And right now membership is telling us by your posts that you do not want this site to continue. Please let us know if we are wrong here but it looks like we are not. W
Fetish Mistress Posted January 19, 2015 Posted January 19, 2015 Hey never mind about Sitka Furs in Sitka, Alaska, get back to what the post was all about... I recon FFG wont be around much longer so... where will you all be when that happens, f*cks sake learn to use your key boards................. Mistress XXX
AKcoyote Posted January 19, 2015 Posted January 19, 2015 Brooke has a good point - so I split the off-topic posts to a new topic.
alphonso Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 Love the fur den. I find I have little to post. It is tough to be original after so much has already been said and done. As for contributing to a thread (discussion) I'm just not patient enough. I think Brandy was carrying the site during her time making many many posts, but for what return? The french site fourrure club seems to have a good working model and has gone so far as to organise fur meetings. Maybe if someone was bold enough it could happen here too. After all the fetish fairs & balls are pretty big social events these days (so I hear!) If it were to go I'd miss it, but c'est la vie baby -- life moves on.
Worker 11811 Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 There is more to talk about than just fur. I wouldn't say that there is nothing more, fur related, to talk about but we are all on the same page when it comes to talking about fur. Talking only about fur is pretty limiting. There are gazillions of things to talk about besides fur. Why limit ourselves? Ironically, talking about other things, besides fur, might often lead to other conversations that are fur related. The conversation might, then, come around full circle. I like to make digital art. Those images are often furry but, just as often, they are not. Further, there is a lot to talk about, in digital art, that are related to the process, the software and the computers used to make the art. But, because I'm only "supposed" to talk about fur, about half my art isn't even shown and about 3/4 of the conversations I might have about the process of making art get thrown right out the window. By the way, how many people, here, know that I am also a traditional, non-digital photographer? Like, maybe two? Since it's not fur, I don't often talk about it so few people really know. If they do know, it is treated as a peripheral topic. If I got to talk about photography, we might find somebody else who is interested and, after some discussion on the subject, it might come back around to fur. Who knows? Maybe the topic could turn into photography of fur? Who, here, wouldn't like to see some "real," non-digital fur photography? But, since we are only "supposed" to talk about fur, that whole line of discussion seems to be off the table. Ultimately, when the discussions are limited, such as they seem to be, our website becomes "stale" and nobody wants to talk about anything. So... Hey!... How 'bout those Seahawks? Think they're going to beat the Pats?
Fetish Mistress Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 I think if someone doesn't post something soon or at least a comment/reply to existing posts there will be tumble weed blowing across the screen! And I have said it before I think this site would benefit with an 18+ section... Mistress XXX
AKcoyote Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 We already have what can be called an "18+" section - the Fur Freaks forum.
Fetish Mistress Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Why don't you put a link on this page to fur freaks? It took me a long time to realise it was there! Mistress XXX
Fox Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Why don't you put a link on this page to fur freaks? It took me a long time to realise it was there! Mistress XXX It's on the front page of the forum.
AKcoyote Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 brooke, it appears you might be accessing the site via the wrong URL. Try using: http://thefurden.com/bbden/index.php which will take you to the forums index page.
White Fox Posted February 28, 2015 Author Posted February 28, 2015 AK... I've never t hought about this before. To help out, we might change the link at very top left of the page from the name "Home" to "Home Page and Fetish Forum". Any thoughts? Always great to hear suggestions from folks like this and even better to make use of them to make this place even better. I love hearing from members like this with suggestions and/or criticisms. W
AKcoyote Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 WF, The "Home" link takes one to the site's home page (actually a page in the wiki). There are 2 links in the header that take one back to the forum index page - both "Board index" and the Fur Den banner. I think changing the text of the "Home" link would be more confusing than helpful. Any other opinions
White Fox Posted February 28, 2015 Author Posted February 28, 2015 Forgot that "Home" went to home page. Maybe a renaming of the board index tab link would make more sense. Just that what does "Board Index" mean? Even to those of us who really speak English. I can only imagine how confusing that would be for someone for whom English is a second language. Something simpler like "Other Forums" I just thought might be better though realize I was not thinking of those links correctly. And I realize that changing it might not be that easy within the forum software.
Worker 11811 Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 Clicking on the "Fur Den" banner at the top of the page takes you to the front page of the forum.
White Fox Posted March 1, 2015 Author Posted March 1, 2015 Yes. I think what Brooke was saying is that new folks here for instance don't necessarily know that.
Fetish Mistress Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 Ah... Yes but you know it is there, and you have to make provision for people that are not so good with a computer as you, for ages I never new about fur freaks, why hide it if it is part of the site, your main title is furden so people come across it on the net and they think that's all it is... Hope I have explained myself correctly... Mistress XXX
White Fox Posted March 12, 2015 Author Posted March 12, 2015 Well if it was a horse, it would have shot several years ago. He He. Yep, maybe. Or trapped it. All humour aside. We have been trying to think of a way to make a better link to the other forum. We can't make it totally visible, due to our server rules here. So it has to be hidden, yet be able to be seen. Not easy to do. The problem is that to make many of the changes that would help this problem, it takes reprogramming of the forum software to allow people to see it. And when we do this, that has to be done every time that our forum software is updated. Causing all sorts of problems. I agree that we need a better link to it. That those people who we want to see it never do because it is invisible. Even if they know it is there it is hard to find, and most people don't know about the links to it and where they are. That is a real problem at the moment. As for suggestions. Again, we are always glad to hear them. We do try to work to make things better here if we can at all. If you have suggestions please let us know, no matter how outlandish that they seem. Of course, as always, part of the problem here is that forum members come and go. Our older members run out of things to post. New ones come along but so often they seem reluctant to post, not realizing that each and every one of us are just like them. We can only hope that more realize this, and decide to post in the future. W
Worker 11811 Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 I've made more than five posts, yet my automatic membership hasn't happened. Problem solved.
Worker 11811 Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 The reason for the error is because the script that controls the group changes is activated UPON reaching a set number of posts but if an account has more than that number of posts, it won't be activated. Your account already had more posts than required, thus the script didn't take effect. This was done for a reason. If an existing member does not want to be in that group, the operator ">=" would automatically change their group status. If you don't want to be in the Fur Freaks group, I will restore your permission to its original. This goes for anybody else. Let me know whether you want to be included or excluded from that group and I'll do my best to oblige. One small point of semantics: I do not "rule" this website. I MANAGE it. But for obeying set policies and dealing with matters of discipline, when necessary, I try my level best to AVOID telling people what they can or can not do. I find the name "ruler" to be pejorative unless one is talking about some type of measuring stick.
Worker 11811 Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 The script was installed after you had already reached five posts. It is not reasonable to ask for a global change such as this to be manually applied to all accounts, retroactively. If somebody wants in, ask. If somebody wants out, ask. I'll do my best. I know of very few websites, virtually none, where leadership is democratically elected, that includes websites that you have managed or have formerly managed. If you or anybody else would like to do something on this website, ask and I will consider it and do what I can to accommodate. It is disappointing to me when people don't have a good time. I try my best but, unfortunately, I can't read minds.
White Fox Posted March 13, 2015 Author Posted March 13, 2015 Hopefully the description in the text will explain this. I might add that if anyone does not understand to please contact us. Better than dragging this out endlessly here. People have told us very abruptly that they do not like such threads. A restricted forum for Fur Fetish discussions and stories, within the limits of our rules. For Consenting adults only. Newly registered members must have made at least 5 posts before access will automatically be granted. The permission is automatically given when a member asks. i.e. there are no questions asked. No one is turned down. If they ask to enter, permission is automatically given and is never refused. W P.S. I know of no other web sites where members are allowed to vote on who will administer them including those web sites involving EVERYONE involved in this discussion, as Worker mentioned. As previously mentioned, we are trying to find a way to make the forum more visible as Capitalistic suggested.
White Fox Posted March 13, 2015 Author Posted March 13, 2015 By the way, administrators are doing our best here, but very severe health issues of two administrators have made that difficult. But this is a very personal area and it will not be dealt with further as doing such is just not fair.
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