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Registered vs guests

Guest sensualbill

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Well have noticed almost every time i come on fur den the guests out number the registered users on line Well that means alot people from ffg not sure yet about joining So guests if you are reading this come on and register more people that register and contribute the more you will see what you like to see in the fur den Also checked how many new people have joined and was surprised that really as many as one would think joined last week or so since demise of ffg So guest please come and join us as registered As the old saying goes the more the merrier and furrier things will come form the more fur lovers we have here

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I personnally found it not that easy to register here, it took me some attemps to do it successfully with the question to be answered.

I don't like sending emails to unknown people to ask the answer so I had read in the forum and type in the name of various moderators until I got the right name.

Than it took over a week until my account was activated, therefore maybe some people have no chance to be other than guests. Sometimes when I just look up for new posts I don't log in, no need to do it eveytime.

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Must tell you this!

How do new or former FFG member find this site?

Then doing a search on "fur fashion or fur fetish" on google,you still see FFG on top and this site way down in the list.

Only search "fur forum" and it show up on the front page.What do that say? "• Index page - The Fur Den".

Why not only "The Fur Den" or "The Fur Den Forum".Clean and simple.

Just my view.

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We have removed the question to enter for now. This might be removed for good or might be for a short while til most members get here. But this should make it easier for new members to enter.


One thing our tech folks have mentioned is that a lot of people use a bad email address. Probably not spelled correctly but possibly some just made up. Without a proper working email our system would have problems.


Hopefully we can get along for awhile anyhow without the anti spam question. We will just have to try it out to see how it works. In the mean time entry will be much easier.


By the way, our tech folks would need to answer your question about "Search".

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Well have noticed almost every time i come on fur den the guests out number the registered users on line Well that means alot people from ffg not sure yet about joining


This isn't exactly true. I'm a good example of this. I only sign on when I want to post something. Otherwise, if I'm just readings posts, I don't see much reason to log on.

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By the way, our tech folks would need to answer your question about "Search".


There's probably a small fee for getting you on top of that search.

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By the way, our tech folks would need to answer your question about "Search".


There's probably a small fee for getting you on top of that search.

Exactly The only way to guarantee top placement in search results is to pay the search engine companies (very expensive).


We could be able to include some keywords in the HTML of the forums index page that *MIGHT* improve where this site appears in search results. Any suggestions

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