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New forum about site improvements

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Folks, you will soon see a new forum about improvements to our site. This will allow everyone to see the thoughts of others about this subject. That forum will show right under the "Den Forum".


Please post all messages on this topic there. Please do not post any messages on any other topic there. I am going to move two or three threads there now from other forums so that they are all in the same place. This way all posts on this subject can be easily seen there in one common spot.


If any thread should disappear for an hour or two please excuse. I am not as up to date on permissions here as I might be.


I hope that this makes it easier to see all material on this subject rather than making it more difficult!


Thanks all




White Fox


Now the train is moving.Slow,but it's moving. " title="Applause" />




actually the fur den was the first live fur forum I discovered on the internet and it made me very happy that I was not alone


improvement? I believe that the contributions made by members, some some activity please! Inactive members could be possibly removed from the site.

What do you think?


furlondoner thought now in Prague


I think like this:i start to contribut if i see some contributions and i want the contribution to be just as good as my contribution.Is that wrong?



All contributions are appreciated.


Can u make the chat so its possible chat one to one? u could in ffg


sorry i dont understand. im no computer freak


In chat you can enter /help to get a list of chat commands, but note that some of the commands shown will not be available as they are for chat admins.


To start a private chat with another user already in chat enter

/privmsg username

where username is the userid of that user.


I think a story section with its own forum would be a great idea


A section where you can see your list of friends and send them private messages as well

A section where you can see your list of friends and send them private messages as well
That is the Private Messages section of the User Control Panel. Look for the links in the page header.

Also, the stories area in it's own forum already exists. Just have a look in the Fetish Forum. I caution though that many stories are being posted into the Fetish Forum itself. I kind of hate to see that as members put a LOT of work into those stories, and when posted there they will very soon be under endless other posts to likely never be seen again.


What is the point for login and password for the stories area?

I'm allready loggin to the forum.


There is a lot of temporary set up right now in order to try out the new permissions in the FEtish Area. So some things might now work exactly as you might think. We need to give it a week or so to see how things work and how people like it. Then we can make any changes needed and do everything up right. I believe that what you mention is actually solved right now. We just finished some more rather major changes to it just this morning. But we will need to look at it more closely to know for certain.


The STORIES area is part of our wiki and it uses a totally separate authentication method that I have NOT had time to change as it is somewhat complicated.

Please bear with us as there are several areas of this site that are A WORK IN PROGRESS.

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