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fur orgy for animal lovers

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If you like seeing fur on living animals, then check out BBC


Vince, it is great to see posts here like this one. I truly believe that many of our members here are animal lovers in the true sense of the word. I know that I am.



Given the sexual nature of a fetish, it's a little disconcerting to see "orgy" in the title.




This may be a little off topic for this forum but many of the UK viewers will be very familiar with BBC wildlife documentaries and David Attenborough's works. UKTV Documentary are showing a long series of repeats of many of these shows in the "Attenborough at 80" season. Several of the sequences in those documentaries are truely mindblowing!



Mr Mockle


Vince - just wait till you can get the recent BBC series "Planet Earth" . The photography is just awesome. Special gyroscope stable camera slung from a helicopter - can zoom in from 1 1/2 kilometers away to see the hairs on a giraffe's neck!


Wildlife doesn't even know its being filmed. Plus stunning ground team photography to complete the story. Mind blowing series, makes you realise how lucky we are to be able to experience this wonderfull planet for the brief spark that is our lifetime.


Life's too short to waste time not enjoying it! Just Wonder at everything!


Guess this thread should really be off topic - sorry guys


PS The courting dance of the birds of paradise just had me in stitches. Thank god we guys dont have to do that for you girls!!


I dont know if it is off topic really.


I love wildlife so I love fur.

I am not particularly fetishistic about the touch....more the ladies that wear them, who value the spirit of the animal that bore it.

I do give fur a fetishist in terms of spiritual meaning, as I do the animal that bears it.


However I do respect the animals that give us the fur and we shouldnt ever be afraid of that. Its what bonds us with nature in a way someone in a synthetic shell suit and trainers could never understand. This is the person who shies from the cheetah downing the gazelle, or recoils at the touch of animals, living or dead.


"(whimper )...will it bite" as they back away from the horse "of course" I say.


"yeuchh " they say as they touch real fur. "whats the matter I say...dont you like animals?"


I love my silver fox collar because it reminds me of how beautiful the animal is. I support the foxhunt because it affords the fox ritual respect and fair bio control.


It is we who are one with nature and they who have no respect for it. They understand only concrete and metros and petro chemicals and synthetics and poison their critters.


So lets take the moral high ground back. the future of the wilderness depends on it.

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