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NewJaguar has been given Moderator status here so he can do his job as technical liaison better. I just want to point out that tech lia is still his job here. Nothing has changed very much. He will still be involved a bit in our Gallery. etc. But, this is more technical in that it allows easier communication between him and other staff here.


Thanks all


White Fox


Wonderful news! " title="Applause" />

and may i point out and i don't know if he cares,i think he refer himself as neoJaguar.


Marcel, you are probably right on that, and that is what makes him good at his job at solving the very small tech issues with members here. At the same time he has done huge work in our GAllery lately as well.


I'm usually referred to as an a-hole, but misspellings of my name don't bother me

I reckon this ones going to be a regular TDF mk2 in the making. He's already exhibiting all the classic symptoms. Before he got his little badge he hardly said anything but now he's all over like a rash. Flexing his new Moderator muscle, peeing in corners marking his territory and endeavouring to assert himself.


The Admins say electing a mod for an 18 month term might loose them a good Mod. I say electing a bad one for life is probably worse.


Aren't you just one for opinions everywhere. Remove my badge, and I'll still be around. I have ALWAYS been around, but since the site was stagnant until recently I had no real reason to say anything. Now that there are topics that warrant conversation god forbid I reply to them!


As far as "flexing my moderator muscle" I have only moved images in the gallery to help out the sorting bin that was overflowing. Nothing more. So please honey, get your facts in line before you attempt to bash someone.


*lose - by the way.


The only bad thing I've seen about this site so far is you. You constantly bash, put down, or just have something negative to say just about everywhere in the forum. Don't get what you want done - the admins are trash blah blah blah. Site is garbage, oh wait and another FFG will pop up. If you don't like it - make your own site. Oh wait.. you did.. and it died right?


My job is to delete obvious spam posts from outside bots, and move photos. Nothing more. So get off your high horse.


WF do me a solid, and remove my access. This isn't worth the drama.


Sent you a PM...



...but now he's all over like a rash.


Ain't that a fine example of the pot calling the kettle black.

WF do me a solid, and remove my access. This isn't worth the drama.

Don't let her get to you and set the filter to high.

WF do me a solid, and remove my access. This isn't worth the drama.

Don't let her get to you and set the filter to high.


Oh it doesn't bother me. I figured if she didn't see my title - she wouldn't know I was still working in the background.


I'm goin no where... not that there is anywhere else to go =\

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