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New Gallery Moderator

White Fox

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Folks we now have another new Gallery Moderator. FurlessinCA has been helping us out in the Gallery now for awhile with clearing backlogs and that sort of thing. He is now going to help us as a full time Gallery Moderator. I just want to thank him right now for all of the work that he has already done, and for deciding to come on to help us as a staff member here.


Welcome aboard FurlessinCA...


White Fox

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I want to publicly acknowledge White Fox and AKcoyote and all the other administrators and moderators for their trust and confidence to appoint me as a moderator for the Fur Den. I have been a part of the Den for almost six years now and have witnessed many changes. I have always been impressed with how responsive the administrators are. They response to changes in demographics and requests for groups, sections or areas. They truly do this out of their joy for fur and so that others may share the fruits of their labors. I am honored to be selected as a moderator. I hope I can live up to their standard!


Thank you all!



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Thanks for the kind remarks FurlessinCA -


This is certainly a nice place to work in as people always seem to instantly be so kind to each other when they come here! I always find it so interesting that we have people with little education conversing with University Professors here, and farmers conversing with Lawyers. Everyone is so kind to everyone else, and that is always so fantastic! That is all part of what makes this place lure us with such a strong call.


Again, it is great to have you helping us out here.


White Fox

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Thanks for the kind remarks FurlessinCA -


This is certainly a nice place to work in as people always seem to instantly be so kind to each other when they come here! I always find it so interesting that we have people with little education conversing with University Professors here, and farmers conversing with Lawyers. Everyone is so kind to everyone else, and that is always so fantastic! That is all part of what makes this place lure us with such a strong call.


Again, it is great to have you helping us out here.


White Fox



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