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So what did I miss in a week?


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Nothing exciting. The Pope got married, but that is about it. Oh yes, and Canada invaded Russia. But nothing really news worthy.


As for fur. Lot of new photos in the fashion Gallery since you left I think. Some really fantastic new ones in fact.



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  White Fox said:
Oh yes, and Canada invaded Russia. But nothing really news worthy.


So... we will have, like, one sable, not like a canadian one and a russian one, like we had? That's cool... in fact I don't know :v

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While you were away, I discovered anti- gravity. So I built a containment device for it about the size of a hockey puck and then I just watched the damn thing float away..


I also developed this weird muscle spasm that makes me kick people in the groin every time I'm in public. I would see my doctor about it.. but....y'know....

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Junior hockey leagues in Canada also started their training camps, so if you're into that (or like me and work in that field) it's been a crazy week filled with early mornings, long bus rides and heartbreak as players see their dreams of getting one step closer to the NHL come to an end.

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Lol Atlantic I covered the Bowling Green Stat University team in college, gave Kevin Bieksa his first feature story. I was on my honeymoon with my wife.

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