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We all love them let's talk about them!

What do you guys like?

Football/Soccer, American Football, Racing, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Baseball?


I like to watch all sports then we have swedes in the top.

Sports i'm done and competing in is Enduro,Sailing and Badminton.


no,but i'm happy then we beat Russia or Canada in hockey.


Love all sports fav be hockey go canucks lol Also love soccer championships and rugby especially the 7s world cup rugby next month and 7 world cup here in march




Did you know that when Lacrosse was played originally, that it was played as a "Wide open game" with no rules? And any number of players. If you got hurt people really almost worshiped you as that meant you were playing really, really hard. It was known by times as "The game of war", and was played on large fields. Sometimes the field might be one, five, or even 20 miles in length. And yes, men did play the whole field. A lot of people think that they had men stationed along the way, but the did not. And the game might go on even two or more days until someone scored. It along with many other games was really sacred in a way to Natives, so was not often played in front of large numbers of "White Europeans" though one time it was used in front of the Fort at Macinaw Michigan as a way to capture the fort. Many British were killed that day. Often times it was played as an attempt to heal a native. The game would be played and the very sick native would come out and tell the players how much better they felt even though he/she often would barely be able to get out to do that as they were of course still so sick. All part of why the game was so sacred.


I can talk MotoGP actually an F1 fan myself.


does anyone know when world cupp rugby starts and is there ant fav teams me is the all blacks


Auto Racing especially dirt track racing (I raced for almost 20 years back in the 80's and 90's). Also enjoy football, basketball and baseball.


WF: I am actually reading a book called "Lacrosse: little brother to war." It describes how Native Americans (I suppose both north and south of what is now the US-Canadian border) played lacrosse and how there were ceremonies and what the games meant if a group (NOT A TEAM) won or lost a game. Growing up in CA I never even saw the game until I was a grad student at Cal. But when I was on the faculty at Syracuse, I learned very quickly about lacrosse!

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