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Air Travel with furs?

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Have you been on an airplane lately? I just flew home from 3000 miles away. This trip took me all day. I had a couch seat sitting shoulder to shoulder sandwich between passengers with little leg room. I remember a similar flight I took 25 years ago. That flight was in the winter, snow was on the ground. After de-icing the plane twice, we were given to ago ahead to leave. The plane was fairly empty , maybe 1/3 full. There was two ladies wearing fur coats on that flight. They were able to stretch out with plenty of empty seats surrounding them where they can place their coats. With air travel today, shoulder to shoulder, meal tray on your lap, does anybody still wear fur when they travel? or do they simply check the furs in as a part of their luggage?

Have you been on an airplane lately? I just flew home from 3000 miles away. This trip took me all day. I had a couch seat sitting shoulder to shoulder sandwich between passengers with little leg room. I remember a similar flight I took 25 years ago. That flight was in the winter, snow was on the ground. After de-icing the plane twice, we were given to ago ahead to leave. The plane was fairly empty , maybe 1/3 full. There was two ladies wearing fur coats on that flight. They were able to stretch out with plenty of empty seats surrounding them where they can place their coats. With air travel today, shoulder to shoulder, meal tray on your lap, does anybody still wear fur when they travel? or do they simply check the furs in as a part of their luggage?



My aunt and uncle used to lease a home that belonged to my grandparents in Aspen Colorado and on two occasions in the last 6 years I traveled to that house in late January and I took my full length blue fox with me. Although it was hardly necessary since they were up in the mountains and even a 20 degree day felt like 60 compared to the temps I'm used to here in Chicago. Still it was a fun excuse to wear a fur no matter where I went and I received a ton of compliments when I wore that coat. My grandmother sold the house though so the chances of me going back to Colorado are slim to none at this point since I have no place to stay anymore and the hotels in Aspen are super expensive. On a similar trip to Aspen, I remember seeing a lot of furs when I had a layover at the Denver Airport when I traveled there maybe 14-15 years ago. It was one of those brief seasons in the early 00's where fur made a slight comeback but it was nowhere near as popular as the resurgence we are seeing today. I didn't have a fur coat with me on that trip though, I was still in high school and it was still a decade or so before I bought my first fox coat.


Yes! It's quite fun to board a plane in Arizona or walk off in Arizona with a full length fur:-)


I travel a lot for work and see few furs at the airport. The ones that I do see are mainly black mink coats. I think the more well heeled traveler is more apt to fly on a private aircraft these days. Fractional ownership programs have brought private air travel down to reach more people. It is still out of reach for most.

  • 1 year later...

I'm curious if furs and air travel still mix (i.e. not just something you'd see on old-time TV). Anyone ever had trouble with the fellas in security or CBP?


So this topic is suddenly very relevant for me again. My cousin and I just ordered our tickets for our upcoming Alaska trip and after looking at the seating chart I don't see a coat closet on this flight. And I'm pretty sure our furs will be too big for the overhead bins unless we have the whole first class cabin to ourselves which seems unlikely now but you never know. So we may have to wear our furs during our flight out there which is like 9 hrs by air.


Don't suppose you'd consider stowing it with your checked luggage? If you do carry it with you, I guess you could just use it as an exceptionally warm blanket.


May get quite warm wearing furs for 9 hours in an airplane. Especially riding in coach.

May get quite warm wearing furs for 9 hours in an airplane. Especially riding in coach.


Our seats are in first class so that isn't an issue. But the two of us will be wearing bulky foxes so warmth in such a closed space may still be an issue. Although considering we are going to such a cold weather destination, once the plane is at altitude I'm not sure how cool it will get.


Don't suppose you'd consider stowing it with your checked luggage? If you do carry it with you, I guess you could just use it as an exceptionally warm blanket.


There is absolutely zero chance I'll be checking this fur in with my luggage lol. I'm having this coat custom made for the trip so I don't want to risk losing my luggage along with the coat once we check our bags. I'm not taking any other winter jackets with me and I'll need this coat once we are on the ground. From what I hear Alaska can be quite inhospitable in terms of temperatures and weather conditions during the the tail end of the winter season, so I don't like the idea of not having the coat near me at all times. Besides, we already have a layover in Denver so the possibility of losing ones luggage is already great enough.


Most larger planes have a coat closet in first class. Small short haul "commuter" planes may not. As you have first class tickets, there should not be a problem unless you will be on a small plane getting to Denver.

Most larger planes have a coat closet in first class. Small short haul "commuter" planes may not. As you have first class tickets, there should not be a problem unless you will be on a small plane getting to Denver.



From the looks of the seating charts on our itinerary, our flight from Chicago to Denver is on a larger plane so we can use a coat closet on that flight, but we are on a much smaller plane from Denver to Anchorage and that's the one that does not appear to have a coat closet.


When are you folks going?


Late Feb of next year


At altitude it will probably be about -50 or so... but unless you are seated on an emergency exit, you probably won't feel the cold barely seeping in around the doors.. you might be a little too toasty wrapped in fur for 9 hours... although it sounds like fun


I think you will be sweating on the plane if you decide to wear the coat seated on board. Kind of hard to go to the restroom with a fox coat on. Those restrooms are tight.

I think you will be sweating on the plane if you decide to wear the coat seated on board. Kind of hard to go to the restroom with a fox coat on. Those restrooms are tight.


That shouldn't be too much of a problem because my cousin will be sitting on the plane right next to me so she can keep an eye on my fur while I'm using the lavatory. But we are just going to have to play this by ear. I can't afford to put it in the belly of the plane because it might get lost, and it might be potentially too big for the closet or the overhead compartment.


I do not think the belly of the plane has conditioned air so your coat might be frozen when you get off the plane. Plus that will be another charge for an extra bag or two.


That's also a good point. So wearing this coat on board the aircraft is probably the best way to go. Worst case scenario I could always slip the coat off my shoulders if I get too warm too. And I'll have a fur hat with me as well along with a pair of gloves that have fur trim around the cuffs but I think those accessories can just go into my carry on luggage if it becomes unnecessary.


I'm curious to see how this goes for you Panther, I'm planning a trip to go to Sweden in the Winter and pass through the restaurant Faviken (anyone watch Chef's Table??) so I had hoped to bring along my furs as well for the fancy and frigid trip


Ooh that sounds fun. When are you leaving?


Perhaps December if we can get a reservation, it's kind of in the middle knowhere and they have an inn you can stay at too. Otherwise closer to the end of Winter.


Ah okay. Well then there might be significant chance that you leave for your trip before I leave for mine. We've already selected our plane tickets so we are leaving in late Feb. So please keep us appraised as well on what its like board a plane with an enormous fur.


I dont see the problem as long as the furs are in your laps unless the staff needs the furs stored overhead in the upper compartment..

I know Id be super protective about my fur if I was flying any where.. thats just me bc ya never know what kind of people your gonna run into.


We have flown pretty recently. You're right not to check your furs through with your luggage. The cargo area is not clean and besides that your furs would get ripped to shreds by the heavy bags....or stolen.


If I understand you correctly, you're flying First Class. Good choice. Flying Coach/Economy Class is not what you want to do with an expensive fur. The cabin crew will make you put your furs in the overhead bin where you will have to stuff it in with the other carry on bags. Most airlines are strict about that these days. Again, damage to the fur is more than likely.


Just some observations.




I do not leave home without a fur coat or two in the winter when I travel, and I simply make do once I am on the plane. I always travel business class or first class though, so cramped space is fortunately not so much of a problem.

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