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Ok folks. I am thinking of a new job here. It is rather "Off beat". Or maybe I should say it is much more "On Beat" than the old one though is still a little bit unusual to have as a job though this job IS more "Normal". I caution that for most people this "Job" is a hobby, but for a few lucky ones it is full time and pays money.


So, let's try again. I expect this one to be a fair bit easier than the last one. I think you will guess it quicker.


So folks. "What's my job?"




Your games is fun,WF!


He is a fisherman!


If wrong is he out on the sea?


Answer to this one is NO as well. It is interesting that I just watched a version of the old television show. It was pretty impressive how those folks would ask a few questions and zero in on a job so quickly. One tonight was a woman whose job was to make false eye lashes, and they actually guessed it. Another was a comic strip writer and they guessed that one as well.


So yes, it can be quite easy to guess the answers! So, as mentioned, the answer to all questions so far has been "No".




Mostly inside, but don't let that throw you. It can be done outside too, and in fact very often is.


I had to think on this one. Yes, he does. But it is NOT a tool in the sense that you would normally think of for that word. NOT a screwdriver type of tool. Sorry if that sounds confusing, but it is kind of hard to answer.


Yes. And I will qualify that by saying that he will generally have an identical tool in each hand.


Dose this person work alone or with other people. And dose he work in a loud environment?


ALMOST always works with other people. And yes, he works in a loud environment. Most times at least.


Ha Ha! You got it! I knew it would be easier than the last one but thought it might take just a bit longer than that. A great job!




That tool part kinda threw me off. Actually there is a tool its called a drum key. Its used to tight the drum head.


Wish I had checked sooner. As soon as I saw "...identical tools in each hand..." I thought "DRUMMER!"


Oh well, next time.


The question regarding "Tools" did throw me off. I knew if I didn't explain just a bit it would throw everyone off completely. So, I pretty much had to answer that one that way. It comes down to the definition of "What is a tool?"




Most work is done by a tool and what tool it is explains the work.

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