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Something I've always wondered


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Sorry if this belongs in the Just Fur Fun area and/or this offends anyone, I don't mean to be offensive by it. It's something I've always wondered about but I've never asked due to maybe shyness or just inability to ask anyone applicable. Though here I suppose there must be many that may be able to answer my inquiry. I'd like to know if anybody here knows of any lesbian/bisexual women who wear real fur and own real furs? Do you know if they have dated other women and kept their love for fur secret? or does their partner embrace fur like they do? Do they go on any dates with their significant other? Again sorry if this offends anyone or their significant others. For me I've always found it to be an oxymoron a lesbian/bisexual woman who enjoys real fur, as most of the LGBT community that I have been in contact with are vehemently against real fur. Thanks for your input.

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I could be totally mistaken, but I think many of the active members here are heterosexuals and thus have little contact with those in the LGBT community. That could partially explain the lack of responses.

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Well thats disappointing, honestly I thought there would be at least some who would have witnessed it at the very least.

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Why would lesbians be different than anybody else?


I don't see any correlation between being lesbian and liking or disliking fur. However, I might concede that many might be more vocal about their preference. In other words, those who don't like fur might be more willing to scorn those who do. That might cause those who do like fur to be more cautious about expressing their preference. On the flip side, take Liberace as an example. The guy would go on the world stage literally dripping with fur. At least publicly, he didn't give a rat's patootie what other people thought.


I think there is a range of people who might be guarded about their preference for fur through people who wear fur openly. Some might scorn fur. Others might celebrate it. I don't think the averages are different between gay people and people who are not but the curve might be steeper. If a person is guarded about liking fur, they might be more guarded around others and, if a person is open about liking fur, they might be more open.


As for the range in the middle? I don't think there is much difference between gay men, lesbian women, bisexuals or heterosexuals.

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I work with two lesbians. The first time I wore my fur jacket to school, I sought them both out as I value their opinion and input on almost everything. At any rate, when I showed up in the class where one of them was teaching (the older of the two ~ 60+) she simply asked: "May I pet your coat?" I nearly lost it! I thought that was hilarious! She completely dead-panned it too. By the way, both of my colleagues wanted to touch my fur, but neither wanted to try it on.


I'm with worker. I don't know that fur love knows any boundaries with regard to sexual preference.

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I remember seeing a profile a few years ago of a lesbian who had a fur fetosh in the UK and I'm sure there are at least a few on this site as well including bisexual women. This site is growing everyday and I remember there were quite a few lesbians on Fur Fashion Guide when it was around.


The lesbians and bisexual women seemed pretty open with their partners about their fur fetish and went to public places in fur. Finding another lesbian with a fur fetish to date in your area might be hard but your partner doesn't need to have a fur fetish for you to enjoy furs together. My wife doesn't have a fur fetish but she does wear them for me because she knows how much it excites me to see her in them.

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Hmm I don't remember seeing that on ffg but I probably just never bothered to take notice. I agree with both worker and furless and I don't mean to pigeonhole a very narrow philosophy to a everyone who identifies with a specified sexual orientation, but I have seen a correlation however slight it may be, between a portion of the LGBT community and an anti-fur stance. Now that I think about it I believe worker has a very good explanation for what I've witness or perceived to witness. Perhaps I just need to get out and explore the wide world a bit more. Has anybody else seen different?

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