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healing properties of fur... just dreaming


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wished fur had medical healing properties for guys like me who have back problems...


just dreamin... bc that would be awesome if ones furs was rubbed on the back.....

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Like chicken soup... It couldn't hurt.


Depending on why your back hurt, there could be some benefit.

If it is because of a physical problem like a slipped disk or something, there isn't much fur could do to cure it but it still might make you feel better. If it is because of tension and stress, a nice fur massage would make you feel more relaxed and relieve the tension that causes pain.


Since a lot of people carry their personal anxieties in the form of tension in their necks, shoulders and backs, the relaxation that a fur massage would bring could, very well, help, reduce tension and pain, leading to an overall reduction of anxiety.


I seem to remember a story about a coma patient who was revived by rubbing him with fur. It was an unverified story but the theory was that the stimulation from the fur helped reactivate the central nervous system.


Maybe fur doesn't have magical properties but I believe that there is some benefit. Maybe it's only psychological but psychological benefits are real.


Just being happy for a few minutes is good enough benefit for me!

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Much agreed workeer..

Its physicall pain from pinched nerves as well on the shoulder blades from an auto vehicular accident many years ago ..

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I've seen a thread like this before. It actually hit on something true, when looking at 'healing properties' from a different perspective.


Fur, for us and neutrals, is soft, comfortable and warm. It is a good thing to use as a calming method for people with anxiety and depression issues.

Even if you take away any sexual/fetish considerations, lying wrapped up in fur is without doubt soothing and relaxing. While it will not 'cure' those issues, it is without doubt something that we can all agree that after a long day, takes away much of the stress.

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I have one favorite chair a lazy boy that faces the TV and the view out my sunroom window. I placed a double sheepskin pelt over the cushions of that chair. The pelts are cream in color and 3 inches (7.6 cm) of thick, rich, soft fur.


As stated fur has no medical value; in fact it no longer has any intrinsic value either. But there is something that is so inviting and alluring as I look at that chair; it as if the fur comes alive and is beckoning me to become a part of it.


I can't wait to kick off my shoes strip down to my tighty-whites and slip on my (homemade) fox slippers. Then slowly sit down and feel the soft thick fur of those sheepskins embrace my flesh; as I pull a coyote or beaver fur throw over my body. I do not know if it’s just me but I love to be cradled in fur. Exciting parts of my body enabling me to drift off into my fantasy world. Fur is like magic as its hairs embrace me (as stated) relieving all the stress that exists in my world.

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As someone who has Aspergers, and has bouts of crippling depression, fur has been my therapy for years. It's a way to not have to be medicated, and I spend a lot of time with my furs when things feel overwhelming. I think the psychological community should take note...

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I'm sure some of you seen the Get Him to the Greek movie right? If you haven't you need to. It has one particular scene in it, to those who have watched it, are familiar with. This one.

It's funny how this movie did a whole scene on how fur can help calm a person down and relax them. Hence the healing power of fur. lol
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I could sure use the healing power of fur right about now. I had a mole removed from my back last Friday and it still feels like I've been smacked with a baseball. But I've got to keep Vaseline on it until it completely heals so no fur coats for at least a week. Bummer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ohh thats gotta be bad... sorry to hear your having trouble Panthe10......

id love to have some furs rubbed on my back to help with stress too as well and to help relax...

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